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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Technical Difficulties

I am so sorry I have not posted, but my computer crashed Saturday and it is at the shop. I am posting on Steve's laptop, which will not accept my card from my camera to show you what I'm up to. Sooooo... please stay tuned as I will have quite a few redos to show you when I have my computer back.

I have finished one of my small quilts from a few posts ago. I am working on some Goodwill finds today since it is quite cold, icy, and windy. For the second day in a row my kids are home from school. Steve stayed with them yesterday since I worked. He even got to be with my son who was sick. LOL Steve doesn't handle puke so well. Today Steve is just lounging around after he looked at my Country Sampler and Country Home magazines. Maybe he'll get some new ideas. Woohoo!!!!

So sorry to cut this short, but what fun is a post without pictures? LOL Please check back and don't give up on me. :) I hope to be up and running soon.


  1. I can't wait to see what you have created lately. Hope your son feels better soon. Vicky

  2. Sorry about the computer crash, but it is very good to hear from you. OH BOY...projects coming soon...waiting with anticipation here. Ughhh on your son being sick, hopefully he is on the mend, and schools will reopen soon. Nasty weather sweeping the USA! Stay well, I will be watching for your pics! Anymore Robin Pinkeeps in your plans?

  3. I'm sure you'll have all kinds of cool stuff to show off and inspire me with!!

  4. Cant wait to see what you are up to! Dont you feel lost without a computer??

  5. Mary
    Isn't this weather just lovely!LOL!
    No way was he really checking out your magazines? My hubby would never, unless I shoved it in his face & said look at this!LOL
    Can't wait to see what you are up to!
    keep safe & warm, temps dropping!


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