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Monday, February 7, 2011

Still No Computer

I bet you thought I was ignoring you didn't you? I am still without my computer. The repair guy called and said my memory card was done and somehow I had viruses even though I had an antivirus program on it. Grrrr... I will be calling him today to see where it is. I will probably lose a bunch of stuff I had saved. Oh well... So today I am posting this from work since we have a computer.

I will apologize for the pictures that will follow. I took them using my phone sent them to my email and now posting them for you to see. I promise I will take better pictures and show you when my puter is up and running. Though I have to say I've been getting a lot done since I don't have the puter to interrupt my day. I will even have some new stuff to sell then too.

Alright, I finished both of my small quilts. I had a question about the pattern and I know I found it on one of the blogs I read but can't remember which one. Once I have my computer back I will find it and post it on here for you. This was a simple 9 patch block cut and resewn together with 3 other 9 patch blocks. I printed out the pattern but forgot to bookmark the blog I found it on. Grrrr...

The first one is my Spring lap quilt... It didn't turn out too bad. I already had some high loft batting on hand so I used that. I'm not really sure I'd get it again. It was a thrift store find and I ended up having to tie the quilt instead of quilting it because of the puffiness. I didn't turn out too bad in the end.

The next one is my blue and brown one. I just finished that up on Saturday. The kids were away and Steve was working. So in between laundry loads I got it done. It came out really cute.

I'm not going to show you my redos yet. I have to take better pictures of them so you can get the full effect of them. So instead I'll show you some sneak peaks of things I'm working on for all of you. I will tell you there will be candle mats, table runners, and small pillow tucks. I am not telling you anymore than that!!! LOL...

We have set the next Girl's Day for Feb. 15th. We will be going to some antique shops, thrift stores, and a country/prim shop. These are located in between Smithville and Seville Ohio. If you are interested in going drop me an email.

I better get going and act like I'm working. LOL. Keep your fingers crossed that I get my computer back tomorrow or Wednesday. If I don't it just makes you wait to see what all I've been working on.


  1. So frustrating when the computer is on the fritz! It becomes part of the daily routine -- and seems to disrupt the whole flow when it's not there.... But you are right -- you do get a lot more done when the computer isn't calling!
    Your sneak peeks look lovely -- can't wait to see them. And the quilts are beautiful! Have a good day -- and good luck with your computer!

  2. Your quilts look fantastic!!! Hope you get your computer back soon!

  3. You certainly made good use of your puter down time..These quilts are B*E*A*U*T*I*F*U*L Mary!!
    I can't wait to see your new offerings

  4. Sorry about your computer but you have made GREAT use of your time. I am loving those quilts. The colors you chose are beautiful! Can't wait to see what you're working on now.

  5. You have been busy! Love the brown and blue quilt and can't wait to see the finished projects you gave us a peek of!
    Have a wonderful day~

  6. Love the blue and brown quilt.
    Good Luck with your computer. Thanks for sharing.

  7. It is a pain when computer doesn't work and I am worried about mine..Have a great week and will be watching for next post from you :)

  8. Love the quilts!The blue and brown one has great colors and prints. I feel your pain with the computer....and Im married to a computer guy!

  9. I hate it when the computer doesn't work like it should.... but at least you have some beautiful quilts to show for your time away. I have been wanting to start a quilt besides the one I am hoping to do for a swap I am coordinating. You have inspired me!

    Debbie K

  10. Your quilts turned out beautiful!!! Love them!

    Sorry about your computer. My home computer is in the process of dying... TG I have my new laptop!

    Wish I could come to girls day but I have to work. :(

    Carmen and the Primcats


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