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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

More Goodies by Steve

Hello friends!!! I hope all is well with all of you. Here at the Homestead we OK Steve has been busy. I think the crafting mood has bit him. LOL. Me on the other hand not so much. I have been so busy working, teaching, and going to appointments that I haven't had time or the energy. I am going to sit down tomorrow and work on my quilt. I need to get a new pencil to mark my quilting lines first. I guess that means a trip to the quilt shop. YYYiiippeee!!! Oh wait... oh darn. (snicker snicker)

Anyway, I thought I'd let you in on the new goodes being painted up and will soon be up for sale on here first instead of the flea market. Remember if you find something on my website and live close to us you can always pick it up here at the Homestead to save on shipping.

So here are the befores...

Bowl racks... I really like the one with the pegs. I think the smaller one may be spoken for. Rose give Margo my number or email and let her know I have one... :)

He made 2 of these in different sizes. These are counter top size. Can't you just see your jars and crocks sitting on this?

And I know these are hard to see because of the sun, but these are awesome Primitive signs.

OK so Steve has been working really hard when I'm at work...

The after's...

I LOVE blue.... sigh

LOVE this new shutter shelf...

As we speak he's working on this bowl rack... the other has been painted the first coat of black.

And the second crock bench is stained for the first coat.

And of course he had to make something for me because it's only fair. If you come to the flea market you'll know it's me :)

Well, the rest of the month should quiet down a little for me now. I just have one more class to teach on Saturday and I'm good for the rest of the month. Today I had my last two appointments. This morning I met with my life insurance guy, which by the way didn't go so well. More on that in a minute. The second appointment was with my urologist. For those who have been following me for at least two years you'll remember I was having issues with my bladder and kidneys. I was urinating blood for about 6 months then all of a sudden it stopped. WELLLLLLLL.... it's back. It's been going on for about two months now. I thought it would be short lived so I haven't mentioned it until now. I went for a test today in hopes of a diagnosis. That didn't come. I have to stop all anti inflammatories for my fibromyalgia and wait for my urine studies come back. He even said he was having it checked for the C(ancer) word. He knows it's not from my bladder but from somewhere up above he's not sure. Keep your fingers crossed it's from my medicine. Which leads me to my life insurance guy... you have blood in your urine you get declined for insurance... grrrrrr... I guess I have bigger things to worry about for now. Next step if it's not the medicine is an angiogram, which will check for a "malformation of an artery or vein" in my kidney. Sounds expensive right? LOL AND of course my new deductible year started. woohoo!!!! Another $2000 before the insurance kicks in along with my hour cut at work.

So as not to bore you with my problems... I will cut this short and get busy doing something. I think Mexican food is in my near future tonight. LOL. I was trying to catch up with all of you who have blogs on Sunday at work. I did a lot of reading and got a lot of new ideas from you too.


  1. Well I wish my Steve would get in the crafting mood, trying to encourage him to learn wookworking, not working so far. I love the bowl racks and the shutter shelf. The corner candle holders are nice also, I have one, love it. I hope your medicine works, no fun having health issues. Vicky

  2. My goodness that man is a busy one , I wish mine would make me some goodies lol Girl Im praying for ya and worried sick bout ya , keep me posted on the Dr. thing! and Breathe once in a while. HUGS
    lil raggedy angie

  3. Love all the wood items, especially the bowl racks. Wish I had one.
    Country at heart

  4. Wow Mary, you have alot going on. But who doesn't these days. Love all of Steve's work and have to say that's an awesome sign for your booth! Wish I lived closer so I could purchase two things I see here.
    I will keep you in my prayers for sure. I just went through all the kidney stuff with my MIL last summer and fall. She also has fibromyalgia and has lived with it for many, many years. Horrible stuff! Hand in there girl and like Angie said, "breathe once in a while!"
    Hugz to ya~

  5. Loving all of the items Steve is making and you are in my thoughts that everything goes well with all of your tests..

  6. Steve's stuff is fabulous.
    I'm sending up some prayers for you that it's just the meds....

  7. hi, Mary~
    Love all the new works~ so pretty!
    You have been busy~ wow!
    I am saying prayers for you~ hope it is just the medicine!
    I posted today~on my blog your bird pinkeep~
    it is on top of a metal tree~ I love the little pin keep~ I have had so many compliments on it from friends & family!
    You take care girl~ hope you survived the storms~ we had a rain & a little hail ~ but nothing damaged~I always think of you out west of me~
    prayers & thoughts

  8. WOW Mary, Steve's been busy. Love all the items. Hope you find out what is going on with your health soon. Take Care of yourself and keep us posted.


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