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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where You Can Find Us...

Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes on my booth it means a lot. Now that I have my little booth stocked for a week or two, by the way things are going, I can show you where to find our goods. We have also reduced most of our furniture in the booth since we have more to add. I was also told by the flea market lady today a local newspaper came in to do an article on the flea market and was taking pictures of some of booths. They selected mine as one of the ones!!!!! So if you get THE POST newspaper be looking for us!

Route 57 Antique Mall (Flea Market in the Rear of Building)

1314 Wadsworth Rd

Orrville Ohio 44667

I went today and added some new items for the weekend. I will also be working on a book showing all of the projects Steve and I have done. This will include all of our stenciled signs we have available. I am also working on business cards so that people have our phone number for special orders. I just need to find the time to do it. LOL.

Today in our booth...

I apologize for not posting yesterday, but I needed to get some things done after my company meeting in the morning. Well, just as we all suspected the 24 hour shift I had will be no longer at the end of April. They have cut my hours by 4 regular hours and 8 overtime hours. So in other words I better get busy crafting up a storm. LOL. I will lose approximately $300 in my pay check every two weeks. The good thing is I still have a job, but I will be working 12 hour shifts instead of 24s. BLECK!!!!! I am trying to get on a 7a-7p shift, but will see next week. All I can say is thank goodness I just paid off my car!!!! So let's add some injury to insult while we're on the subject of bad news shall we? I had to go today to my doctor for a medicine check up and of course had to get on the scale.... 8-/ let's just say shell shocked. Holy cow I have successfully gained another 10 pounds since October!!!! When did I become a couch sitting,Cheeto eating, pop drinking maniac??!!! I of course told my doctor that it wasn't my fault. I have no idea where it came from. I don't really think he believes me. LOL. He had to do some bloodwork because of the medicine I'm on and said he'd throw a thyroid check in it too. I am crossing my fingers that this is the problem. BUT more than likely it is my Elavil. This med slows down your metabolism. He said he didn't want to change it though. So I must decide sleep or being thin? I think I'm gonna like being fat and sassy!!!! LOL. No wonder my pants don't fit anymore... huh... I thought I had shrunk them in the wash. LOL.

Other than getting things ready for my booth I haven't worked on much except a stitchery. I need to prim the frame and she will be all set to sell. This is my own pattern of course. Wow the flash really wiped out this picture! It is actually lightly coffee stained.

I am going to try to work on the next part of my quilt, but I work a 24 hour shift tomorrow, teach on Saturday morning, and work 14 hours Sunday, then back for another 24 hour shift Monday. So I may be a few days late getting it up.

Oh when I make my millions (selling in my booth) don't worry I'll still be blogging!!! LOL ;) Thanks for stopping by and please come see us at the flea market!!!


  1. Mary, your booth looks wonderful. I see some wares I would grab if I was in the area. I'm so sorry they cut your hrs. at work & I'm hoping you get the morning shift like you want. Best of luck to you with this wonderful new venture. I'm positive you will do well.

  2. so glad to finally find out where you are ! will definitely make a trip that way in the next month or two. congrats on getting your booth pic taken!! i am so excited for you !! hang in there about work, you know the saying, when one door closes, another opens.
    hugs, kim

  3. Mary I know where that is!
    Hubby and I will come and check
    your both. I will leave and note
    with the owner for you letting you
    know we were there!

    Very excited for you! Congrats!

    Wooster OH

  4. Your both looks great! I'm in Ohio - I just might have to make a road trip to check it out! Good luck with it! Hope you make MILLIONS!! :D

  5. I hope this new booth turns into something very rewarding and profitable for you Mary!! Hugs!,

  6. Mary,
    The booth looks fabulous , makes me wish that man of mine wasnt on a 12hr weekend shift uggg I so could use a road trip. Try not to over do it and just what issue you got with fat n sassy ? I say BAHHAHAHAHAHa im just fluffy and if you don't care to have sassy dont ask lol Have a great weekend , keep turning out the goodes and remember us poor slugs when you make it big . HUGS
    lil raggedy angie

  7. My goodness as hard as you go how could you gain 10 pounds? 8-) The booth looks great, one I'd love to visit!!

  8. first--UGH about the work situation!!

    Your booth looks amazing!! How I wish I were closer so I could see it in person!

    Yeah--the fibro meds SUCK!! I take Elavil and it makes your metabolism like a slug. Don't get me started on Lyrica--I gained 40 lbs in 6 weeks on it-- and have yet to lose it!!

  9. Good luck with your booth and sales! I wish I could take the plunge (of course I couldn't leave my day job either LOL).


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