After today I work the next 4 days and then off Saturday and Sunday. I plan on going through some more totes this weekend to clear out the clutter. Don't worry I'll let you know. LOL. It feels good to get things cleaned out.
Other than that I thought I'd show you what I have been working on. While at work in my down time most of you know I take a cross stitch with me. I started this one awhile ago and have been making a lot of progress. I hate stitching the letters so I'm leaving that for last. LOL. This is gonna look awesome on my wall when I'm done.
I promised pictures of my redecorated living room and I attempted to take some tonight, but they turned out awful. I will have to wait until daytime to take them. I should do it soon since I had to clean up the house for the get together today. LOL. I will see what I can do in the next few days. My kids are done with school in 2 days so the house will be a wreck soon enough. Speaking of school my daughter passed all of her Ohio Graduation Tests except Math. This is a HUGE feat for her due to her learning disabilities. I am so proud of her. She has until the end of her senior year to pass this part. So she has 2 more years. She is even voluntarily taking a free Math class this summer to be able to take the test again this summer to pass. Even if she doesn't pass she will still get to graduate due to her disability. But with her determination she will pass it.
My son, well, he's a boy and is not too concerned with school. LOL. Grrrr...he tells me he has all A's and B's except one C I think. At least that is what it was last week. To him school isn't important. He is more into his friends and making money. He's been mowing my parents yard to earn money. I am making him save part of it and giving him part of it to spend. This wasn't until he paid me back for some Christmas CDs he forgot to return to the library. Grrrr... nothing like getting a letter in May about some CDs he borrowed in December. REALLY???? $40.00 for fees. So I told him to keep the CDs.
So friends I will try to post before the weekend, but I'm not guaranteeing it. I would LOVE to start working on something new. Have a great week!