Alright so I promised pictures of some of my UFO (unfinished objects) that I finished up. I was even climbing over my mountainous pile of junk in my garage to get to one of my projects. I was only thinking of you and how much you all would be heartbroke and have sad faces if I didn't do something and have something to show you. LOL.
So what should I show you first...
OK I'll show you my newest items that will be for sale.
I finally decided how I wanted to do my cutting boards. The whaletail one is a wax finish only. The others well they are pretty much self explanatory. LOL
Next, I decided to try my hand at a couple pin keeps. I have 3 more lids to make more. These were so fun and simple. But yep these babies will be for sale too. Horrible inside pictures the one on the left is red, white, and blue. The one on the right is a coffee stained brown.
This is what I climbed the mountain in my garage for. I will also have you know I came home from work and went without sleep to be able to show you this. I had it painted but it needed stained so I did that this morning. It is out drying in the sun. This was a muddy brownish green paint I got off the mistint rack at Lowes. It was awesome then of course I smeared my stain all over it.
But wait... I had yet another one to paint and stain. So this one got a redo too. I don't have any black ones so I decided it was time. I really like how skinny these two cheese boxes are. If I ever get my buttr'y made these will be made part of the display.
And now drum roll please..................................
I have decided to start making cross stitch patterns to sell. Right now they are hand charted, but I am hoping to find a good program to be able to use to computer chart them and start selling them. I have one completely done and a second one almost done. I did them yesterday while I was at work. I have a really awesome thing planned for all of you when they come out and are ready to sell. So stay tuned... you will have a chance to get a free chart and a chance for your family to be famous OK famous in my eyes. That's all I'm saying. I'm not going to spill the beans yet.
So... do you want a sneak peek? Sure you do... LOL

Obviously these will still need to be stitched for accuracy and so that I can include a color picture of the finished product. Hmmm... I may not have time to do this so... someone may get to be a test subject for me. :)
So now a question for you...
If you were to buy a cross stitch pattern would you be more likely to
A. buy just the chart
B. buy a kit (including floss, fabric, and directions)
Alright so now I can't sleep because I really would like to finish the second chart today and hopefully find a program to start computer charting. I'm also going to come up with a FREE chart so that those of you who don't know how to cross stitch can learn because I feel a tutorial coming on. LOL. For those who already stitch, well, it'll just be a free chart. LOL.