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Sunday, June 19, 2011

A 16th Birthday and a Hooker

My daughter hit a milestone this past Tuesday. She turned 16. I ask myself where time has gone. My little one who had to come a month early because she was in distress. I swore after being induced with her I would never have another one. The little girl who said "puppy" instead of Mama first. LOL. I remember a little girl with long curly blond hair dressed up like a cowgirl for Halloween. As time went on she grew like a weed and ended up with the determination of a warrior and a heart as good as gold. Proving to people, that even though she has disabilities, she is going to make a mark in this world. Reaching her goal may take a little longer than some, but she'll get there. I am so proud of all she has accomplished already and I can't wait to see how far she'll go.

So Happy Birthday Courtney!!! That's her best friend standing next to her Tatiana.

I was excited that 3 of her other friends came to the party/picnic too. In years past her "friends" told her they would come but never did. It was so hard to watch as a Mother. But here they all are... Courtney's friends...

Well, since I finished my latest cross stitch project I needed to start something new. A year ago my Mom bought me a rug hooking kit from a fiber arts show we attended. I put it off and put it off thinking it would be too hard to do. That and I forgot how the lady told me to do it. LOL. So, as I was looking through my new project ideas I pulled it out. I got everything ready and started it on Tuesday. I was hoping to show you my progress, but I just couldn't put it down. I finished it up Friday. I am now officially a "hooker" LOL. I just wish it wasn't so expensive of a hobby to do. Anyway, not to bad for my first attempt...

Steve and I also went to the booth today and totally rearranged everything. I will show you later this week the new display unit. It is HUGE!!!! This is another very long week for me at work. The only day I have to myself is Wednesday. I am hoping to find another project to start to take with me to work. Although I need to make some more handmade items for the booth. I was looking around today and realized a lot of my smalls have sold. So I need to get busy!!!! hmmmmm what to make ? what to make? pincushions? quilted pillows? sheep? small quilts? the possibilities are endless....

I will be putting some Americana things for sale on my selling blog. They are also in my booth, so if the pillows sell there I may have to make another one for you, which could take a few days. If they haven't sold I will try to get to the booth to get them ASAP to send out for you.

So click on HERE to go to my selling blog.

Thanks for stopping by. OH and I still don't have my computer back yet. Wouldn't you know my hard drive would crash. Grrrrr.... So I am trying to visit all of you on Steve's laptop and at work when I get a chance. Talk to you all soon.


  1. Happy Sweet Sixteen to your little girl!

  2. Happy Birthday Courtney !Your daughter is beautiful .So glad that her friends chose to spend her special day with her. Congrats on your booth doing so well.Off to check out your selling blog .Have a great day!Hugs,Jen

  3. P.S. I love your hooked rug ! I want to learn that craft so badly. Jen

  4. Happiest of birthdays to Courtney!!! What a lovely young woman she is!! I'm glad she could share her days with friends - at that age, that's what they love best....And Yea!!! for you, Mary - welcome to the world of hookers! It is addicting, isn't it??? But...oh so relaxing (if you don't get in a funk like I've been in of late!) Yes, it can be expensive, but I started out gradually - using a hoop instead of a frame - scouting out recycled wool from clothing at second-hand stores, borrowing a cutter, etc. Hope you continue to enjoy it - your first piece is awesome!! Would never guess it was a "first" - looks like your loops are nice and even and well-spaced....Way to go! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. I am happy that she had a fun day! Hooking is fun, but you can make up some of your own stuff too, get used wool at the thrifts~just a thought.
    I love all your projects.
    Have a great day.

  6. Happy Birthday to your daughter. Where does the time go? Mine turns the Big 16 next year!!!

    It seems like only yesterday she was off to preschool. lol

    Love the Americana items, glad your booth is doing well!! Janie

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COURTNEY...what a beautiful young lady - and you have a very special mama too!

    I just recently got into hooking and I love it...just don't have enough time to devote to it.
    A winter project again maybe (oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that bad


  8. Happy sweet 16th Courtney!! She is beautiful & perfect, so glad those friends helped her celebrate her day! Glad you are now a hooker, I have done a small rug also from a kit but would love to be more of a regular hooker too (sounds like a wrong thing to aspire to) :o) ~Kriss~

  9. Happy Birthday to Courtney!! Great job on your rug! Have a wonderful day! Tina

  10. Happy birthday to your daughter! :)

    I'm on my way to check our your selling know how I love Americana!

    Tammy (Country Girl at Home)

  11. First--Happy birthday to Courtney!!!

    You've joined the rest of us hookers!! Isn't it ADDICTING??? Now you'll be scouring the thrifts for 100% wool to use!!!
    Just a couple of tips--you can cut the wool into strips using a rotary cutter, quilting ruler and a mat tha that has a gris on it (used for quiltong.
    The best stuff for wool is pants or skirts. Don't waste time with jackets. Always look for the 100% wool label--if it doesn't have one--just leave it or use that for penny rugs (doesn't "strip" well. Just cut out lining, zippers, etc and unassemble to the pieces--wash in hot hot water and dry to felt and make into strips!!! I use burlap of linen as a backing-- There are several good rug guils in Ohio you can "hook up" with to feed your new addiction!!


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