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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Booth

I went to the booth yesterday to see what was going on and what had sold. My short term memory is awful because to me it didn't look like much had sold. Boy was I pleasantly surprised when I got my money. We sold quite a bit of our handmades. Luckily she lists everything we sell on a receipt so I could jog my memory. LOL.

While I was there I did take some pics of what's left. I am so excited to take the new display to the booth next week. I will tell you that it involves two HUGE old doors and some really old aged wood. I told Steve that I would not be selling any of it. LOL. One day I will put it on my front porch when I have one.

So... WELCOME...

The Nascar things at the bottom are my sons. lol.

I found out this cabinet fell over sometime last week and luckily it didn't break. I know it is not decorated the best, but the lady from the flea market just pushed it back up and threw stuff on the shelves. I need to go back and redo. Just didn't have time.

Well, it looks like my friends and I need to get busy to refill some of the empty spaces and rearrange.


  1. Love the pictures of your booth, and congrat. to your sells. I can see why,, I would love to be close to shop with you. You have a great varitey of prim items. Love your work. Have a great day.

  2. Looks great Mary, love that Make do chair...have everything to make one for myself but the fabric. You could just pack up all those goodies in your booth & send them to me if you like!! Have a great day ~Kriss~

  3. Looks great Mary! I have a booth at a store here in my town; and the space is much smaller (too dang expensive to go larger!). Here's to great sales!! ~Amy (Ewe Have My Heart Primitives)

  4. Hi Mary, So glad your booth is doing well and that you can sell your handmades. I am closing mine down at the end of the month, I was selling items to thin out my house so I could have more primitive items. I have only sold a few of my handmades, people do not know what a primitive is here. So I am closing will be doing handmades for a couple of shops and maybe through my blog. Love your booth, you have put a lot into it and it shows, take care. Vicky

  5. Yea for the sales Mary! If I lived closer, your booth would be a lot more empty!!! I spy a lot of "I WANT's" in there!! ;o) Truly - you have some great items....Wish we had a place around here like that to shop....Have a wonderful Wednesday - thanks for the tour. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Mary your booth looks awesome and I want to come shop! Just to many states away, dang! You guys sure have been busy creating some great items. Good for you.

  7. Wow...wish you had a booth like that closer to me! :) I like what I see!

    Tammy (Country Girl at Home) - Sorry...this is the only way blogger will let me leave you a comment...blogger is acting bad, bad, bad!

  8. Wow, your booth looks so inviting...I'd be buying that's for sure....and your receipt would be muuuuchhhh longer! lol


  9. Glad you guys had great sales. Everything look wonderful!!!

  10. Mary everything is awesome ! Good thing that I don't live closer or else I'd be more broke than usual. LOL !I see lots of wonderful goodies! Hugs,Jen


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