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Monday, June 13, 2011


I have decided as of July I will no longer be working Thursday through Sunday. Working four long days is too much. This past week in that time period I worked 55 1/2 hours. I had no time to do anything obviously. I don't want my whole world to be work. My bills are getting to a comfortable point that I can semi breathe. I'm hoping to be free to craft a little more.

As promised, I got some things last week on my one day off from the thrift store and one of the prim/country stores I go to. Which now has a website Now you can see some of the good stuff I see too!

I LOVE the patina on this high chair with the back cut off. My BFFs happened to be pricing this when I was in the store. I asked if either of them would be buying it and they said no. So it came home with me.

This little beauty I got for like $22. It started out $65. I saw this thing months and months ago, but I was not paying that much. It got marked down to $45 and when I went in they happened to be giving 50% off the red tag so then I snatched it up. I also got some fake chestnuts to throw in a bowl or jar.

Another cheese box to paint. I have two now. I need to get cracking!!!lol

Awesome right!!! This will be a new pattern for Steve to cut out and paint or stain. He said the scroll saw we bought at the yardsale will work great for this. Oh yeah it was a Goodwill find. Steve wanted the iron thing with a clothespin on it. I'm guessing it's a recipe card holder.

Who can pass up dried corn? I happen to leave some out all year. After last fall when I had Indian corn and thought I'd keep it til this year and ummm it got bugs in it. GROSS!!!!! So I bought the already dried stuff. lol

I would show you my flowers for summer, but one of them died all already. LOL. I need to go get another one to replace it. Steve planted them and has been watering them for me since I have been so busy. Today is my day off to get everything done. Laundry, errands, and a massage (my fibro has been acting up and I'm not sleeping that well again.) So my friends I will cut this short. I have a few projects I've started but not finished so let's see what I can get finished today to show you tomorrow. It is suppose to be beautiful and cool today. I have a little painting and staining to do so I can do it outside. See you tomorrow I promise! lol

Oh and Steve and I will be redoing the booth tomorrow so I will be sure to take my camera. He got a really cool idea for separation walls of the next booth.


  1. Good for you Mary! So many hours back to back can't be could for your health. Nice finds once again and can't wait to see more pics.
    Enjoy your day, even if it is doing some housework!

  2. Mary
    So happy you can cut back on hours at work~ it is hard~ get exhausted & burned out~ it is sure to make your body ache more~that Massage will help!(I love them!!!)
    The high chair without the back looks wonderful, like the display~
    enjoy your massage~

  3. Wonderful finds - as usual! Mary....Love that little chair and your rice bucket (that is what it is, isn't it??) So glad you can - and will be - cutting back your hours....You know what they say about all that work stuff! ;o) Enjoy your day!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. So glad you will be having more time for yourself.
    All work and no play... Is No Fun!
    Love your finds.

  5. Great finds, Mary! I would say you need some time for yourself! That's alot of working hours!

    Have a great week! :)

    Tammy (Country Girl at Home) - Blogger wouldn't let me post with the word verification thingie...sorry!

  6. Glad you can cut back at work, sounds like you really need some breathing space...especially as your job must carry a pretty high level of stress too. Hope it works out perfectly for you! ~Kriss~


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