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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Stuff I Scored

Normally I score at the Goodwill. However, this weekend I hit the jackpot! The motherload of all motherloads. The best of all... a PRIM YARDSALE!!!! What, who would believe such a thing of a prim gal selling her stuff at such LOW prices. Steve and I were on our way home from Wooster after I had to fight with Verizon Wireless (oh that is a story all on its own.) Anyway, I am a window peeper. I admit I like driving by people's houses and like to look in their windows if they have the curtains open. Well, there is always this one little blue ranch house that always had a crock bench and crocks on her front porch. As of late the house was up for sale. Too bad my credit still stinks!!! I always wondered if this house belonged to a prim girl. Anyway, so we drive by this house and lo and behold SHE was having a garage sale. NO WAY!!!! I looked at Steve and said that it looked like she had some great stuff in the driveway. We decided since neither of us had cash on us we weren't going to stop. I was HEARTBROKE. All I could think about was this garage sale overnight. I told Steve that before we went to the booth that I would like to go see what she had. So I grabbed up my booth money and we went. OH MY WORD!!!! I didn't know where to start and what to grab first. Luckily we were the only ones there. I started a pile!!!! The lady said the house was sold and she was moving to California so she needed to get rid of stuff and that she had furniture in the house if we were interested. Whether ot not I was actually going to buy it was irrelevant LOL. I wanted to see the inside of the house I had always wondered about. I was not disappointed. This lady took Steve and I on a tour. I was salivating everywhere. It was very simply decorated and was actually quite small. But it was gorgeous. She said that whomever bought the house actually bought some of the furniture too. LUCKY people!!!! Steve actually took some pics with her permission of course. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I think that prim people have to be some of the nicest people around. I thanked her profusely and told her I just LOVED her house.

So what I bought is only a sampling. She said she had tons of stuff on Friday and that I should've come them. I think I would have really been in trouble. As it was I have never spent so much at a yardsale. I can't believe that I'm going to tell you I spent $92.25.

Bowl fixins FREE!!!!

Colonial Pewter $4.00 a piece. She left the price on the back what she paid $55.00 a piece

This little grouping in my bedroom cost me $22.00

Got this pewter set for $.50 a piece.

All this and a scroll saw that I didn't take pictures of. I was so excited! Even one of friends Rose called me to tell me about the ladies yard sale. I told her I had already been there. The lady even told me she had yard sales every year. WHAT??? Why didn't I know that??!!?? I'd a been there every time!!! Well, wait if I would've been I'd be living in a cardboard box because I'd be broke! LOL

Well, my friends my computer blew up again and is being repaired. So I am posting from Steve's computer that is next to get fixed. I can't look at blogs but at least I can post. I will try to catch up with you tomorrow because I work a really long shift at my second job and have a computer I can use. Talk to you all soon because I have other things to show you that I found at the Goodwill and one of my favorite prim shops.


  1. What awesome treasures you have found! I love them all. Sorry to hear about your computer again, what would we do without them? lol

  2. boy,i would have loved that yard sale.lucky you! Denise

  3. You lucky girl! Those sales are few and far between so I feel your excitment! You bought some great things, especially the pewter.
    Hope you get your computer fixed soon.

  4. Haha, I do the same thing riding by houses. I always try and look to see if I can see how the house is decorated. lol

    Sorry to hear about your computer.

    Sounds like a great yard sale.


  5. Woo Hoo!!! GREAT for you, you lucky thing!!! What I wouldn't give to find a yard sale like THAT! I try and try....force myself to stop (not many sales in Nod given the weather, 'cept in the summer months) - and when I do, I'm always assaulted by baby clothes, baby toys, and decades-old Home Interiors crap....I keep holding out for the "Big One" though - sounds like you found yours! And under $100 - you did good girl!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Motherlode indeed! Lucky you! Great score!


  7. Wow !! What a score !Love all the wonderful goodies you found ! Glad you got a peek inside ,I do the same thing. LOL! The grouping in your bedroom is awesome .Hope your computer is fixed soon.Hugs,Jen

  8. Love your finds! I only ran across a few sales like that around here. I can understand why you were thrilled. Love the chair!
    Have a great day, and hope your computer gets fixed!

  9. Wow...every one of us dreams of this!! is the lamp in your bedroom set included in the 22.00 price too? Glad to know that I am not the only "window stalker" thought maybe I needed to seek out a support group for that LOL. And you got to GO IN....whoo hoo!! With all the great things you come across I am coming to live with credit is also shot due to this wonderful economy (how could this be after working so hard our whole lives??) so we can pull our resources together and get that perfect old farmhouse!! ~Kriss~

  10. I have Alltel which is next door to Verizon
    here in Wooster

    Wooster OH

  11. Wonderful things - I love the grouping for the bedroom
    My goodness I'd die for that Pewter!!


  12. I am so happy for you but can I have too much energy!!!lol I am tired just looking at all the stuff you are doing! Blessings, Dianntha


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