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Friday, July 29, 2011

Some Old and Some New

I know what you are thinking. Mary, we know you were off on Wednesday but we didn't hear from you. You better have been working on some good stuff to show us. LOL. Well, yes and no. I had some orders for my star pillows I showed you in my last post. So, first thing in the morning I got up mixed up some coffee stain and stained up some fabric to get moving on the orders. THEN, I made my own coffee to actually drink. Then I got busy on some other fun things.

I have been thinking about doing some felt look alike of wool penny type mats. I can't afford wool, and don't seem to find much at the thrift store, and since I have a ton of felt I figured I'd try one. I showed you my blanket stitch tutorial so I was armed and ready to try. I actually only got them cut out. You will be happy to hear I actually used one of the many books that I have bought at the thrift store to make these. So if I sell at least one of my mats my book is paid for :) See how I justify my purchases? LOL. Anyway, I took them to work with me yesterday and only finished one.

This one is just a practice. I needed to figure out how to do the corners and stuff. But still not bad to put under a candle.

Here's the other one waiting to be stitched...

I think I'd like to do a brown and red or orange for fall too.

I also did what I said I would do. I sat down and reread my directions to finish my hooked rug mat. The directions I had stunk royally. It did not explain how to go around a corner so I improvised. Let me just say this is best left to the professionals. LOL. And I am not one of them. LOL. My corners don't match, but I guess not bad for my first one. You all know me I'll try most things once. I really do like the hooking part just not so much the finishing. BUT it's done. One more thing crossed off my list of UFOs.

My sister has gotten the thrift store bug. She goes a lot more often than I do now. LOL. The good thing is she knows my style. Whenever she sees something good she'll snap a picture and send it to my phone and ask if I want it. Well, she found a really awesome thing not to long ago.

It is on photograph type paper. I need to see if I can get another sleeve thing for it because my sister had a candle next to it in the bag and the candle melted a bit. Guess how much she paid. Are you sitting down???? $.49. Seriously!!!! It is so cool.

I think I have some other things I've gotten that I haven't shown you so I'll walk around today and take some pictures to show you next week. I am off until Monday. Woohoo!!!! Steve wants to go to the Hartville Flea Market tomorrow, but my sciatica decided to kick into high gear yesterday while I was at work. I am having trouble walking and sitting. But I may muster up the strength to go. My son wants to go to the Kidron Flea Market tomorrow too. LOL. He says you can get lots of cheap stuff there and you can "juke" people down on their price. LOL. Another funny story before I go. There is a person who is moving a couple duplexes down from us. When my son's Dad brought him home today his Dad spied a rocking chair in the trash. After he dropped off my son he stopped and picked it up and took it home. My son proceeds to tell me it was my fault because I pick stuff out of the trash and now his Dad does. LOL. SERIOUSLY... my son blamed me. He was laughing the whole time he told me the story.

Alright so I need to get something done today other than sitting around. My 24 hour shift turned into 26 hours today. I'm burning day light hours. LOL. Plus if I don't I won't have anything to show you next week. :)

OHHHHHHH... and thank you to all my Facebook friends who take the time to send me messages. I just LOVE to get them. It is very interesting finding out where some of you live. Some of you live very close to me which is very awesome! It is so much fun interacting with you like we are carrying on a personal conversation. I may be planning a shopping trip to Berlin in August to celebrate the kids going back to school. I'll keep you posted... It's looking like it may be the week of the 22nd if any of you would like to meet up with me.


  1. Congrats on finishing up your hooked mat! Sorry your finishing instructions stunk...It's truly not that difficult and, actually, the part I like the best! So mindless and relaxing!! (But, I do it a little different than most....too bad I don't know how to do tutorials or live closer - I'd be happy to show you!) And I ADORE that picture your sister got!! That's amazing!! Is it old or a repro?? Are you keeping it? ;o) Funny story 'bout your son...but you know, he just might be right! Have a great weekend off!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  2. Love the felt mats that you are making.I think you did a wonderful job on your hooked mat. Hope that you are feeling better.Have a wonderful weekend.hugs,Jen

  3. Mary, your mat came out great. My first rug I finished with the black twill tape sewn on by hand and it lays nice and flat. My next little one I am doing with a wool covered cording that Wendy Miller from The Red Saltbox does. Here is a link to show you. I really like how it is coming out.

  4. Mary, your rug looks great. At least you gave it a try. I haven't gotten that brave yet. Love the candle mats. And the picture,, what a great find. Hope you are feeling up to going to one of the flea markets. Sure is gonna be hot for that here. Stay cool.

  5. Great job on that hooked rug!! I really want to do another one too!! The felt rugs look good too, I think the felt can look just as good as the wool sometimes. Might be emailing you tomorrow about that PDF thing. Simply haven't had time this week to focus but hoping tomorrow. Enjoy that time off! ~Kriss~

  6. I know the wool is expensive but beautiful! Just a idea... theres a lady at my church who cuts up blazers and skirts from thrift store finds that are made of 100% wool... then DYES them with RIT to get colors she wants... its time consuming but saves her $$ big time on her hooked rugs.. if its something you pursue more! :) i thought it was super clever anyways! Love your projects!

  7. I just happened upon your blog and so glad I did! I'm left handed and going to make my first cross stitch picture and saw you have directions on how to start. I'm a new follower here too


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