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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Not Much Going On

Hello everyone! I'm going to be honest and tell you have haven't gotten much done in the way of crafting since we last spoke. Many of the things I've gotten done are things that have been nagging at me for quite awhile. The one day I was looking for some directions for my son's remote control and couldn't find them. In the process, I tried to open a drawer in one of my cupboard's and found I couldn't open it because the crap inside the drawer caught and jammed the drawer. In this drawer I keep my old bank statements and bills and that sort of thing. My son asked me what all that stuff was and I remarked how it was stuff I needed to shred and just haven't gotten around to it. He told me he loved to shred stuff so right then and there I stopped my treasure hunt for the directions and began organizing. I cleaned that drawer and moved onto my fabric scraps. I have no idea what got into me! LOL. I reorganized and pressed all my scrap fabrics. I am even getting rid of some scraps. No, no, I'm not throwing them away. That's silly throwing away fabric. lol. I'm hoping to make a pillow or something and stuffing it with my scraps.

I can show you some progress I am making on my buttery too. I know I've been talking about it forever. I finally got Steve busy. Sheeeesh!!! I can't say anything he's been working a lot lately. When you are a subcontractor you work when you have work. Anyway, I can't move it upstairs yet because we need to rerun the computer cable to reach the new location of my computer. I was going for the step back cupboard look even though it's going to be a corner cabinet. I still need to make a coffee stained curtain for the bottom part. I just LOVE it!

I know it's hard to see, but Steve even painted the parts that we had to use new wood on to match the old boards. The inside of both upper and lower were new wood.

I also found another piece for my buttery two days ago. While I was at work my partner and I decided to take a different way back to the shop because I wanted a smoothie from McDonalds. Well, my stupid craving also led me to an antique shop I never knew was there. It is only 20 minutes from my house. How could I not know about this wonderful place??? It is very small and they have a few things but I found exactly what I wanted AND it was only $25. It is two pieces so very flexible in using it other places if I want. I couldn't fit it in the ambulance and we figured chances are we'd get a call and have this baby in the back. lol. So I must go back and pick it up today. I hope it fits in my truck :/ BUT if it doesn't oh well because it is on old route 30 and today starts the worlds longest yard sale on route 30. So I will just have to look and see while I'm out. As I type my sister just called me and she has a minivan so she said she'd come with me to pick it up! yiippee!!!!

One of these will be used in my buttery too. These were a trash pick so they were FREE!!!!!! I thought at first, at 6am when I picked them, they were the sides to a crib but they aren't. They are part of baby gate from a porch. I'm so excited to start on my kitchen!!!! No I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing iwth them yet. lol

I also bought these at the antique shop when I got my shelves. Also for my kitchen.

I also finished my next candle mat at work. I think I will put it and the green one in the booth to sell.

I found some things I don't think I showed you that I've acquired on my thrift store shopping trips.

You know I'm a cross stitch fanatic. I've scene this exact pattern in some of my decorating books and magazines I have. It is stitched on linen. I'm sure it was a popular kit back a few years ago.

No explanation needed... lol

I got these 2 bolts of linen like material at the flea market for $3.00 a piece. I have some awesome ideas for this! It's dirty so I need to see if there is washing instructions on it. I know I'm going to regret it because it'll wrinkle and shrink like crazy. hmmmm.... what if I just hand washed it...

I can't remember if I showed you this. If I did I apologize. This is heavy upholstery fabric I also got at the flea market. LOVE it!!!!! I know you are wondering what I'm going to make out of it. Guess what??? I don't know. LOL. Maybe a couple pillows. We'll see !!!! OR another smaller make do chair????

This is not cross stitch but I believe yarn on canvas. Anyway, I liked the pattern. I call it my tree of life. I also like the fact it is smaller and I can put it in my small displays.

Today is my only day off so I need to get busy. I'd like to start some fall things. I won't be doing too many fall items because I'm starting a little late, but I'm going to start Christmas soon. Sheesh... I hate being behind. lol But if you are in the market for runners, towels, or candle mats for fall keep checking back... OH and I'm going to attempt something else that I'm so excited about... see you soon ;)

One more thing... I am 2 away from reaching 400 followers... 2 more and it's time for a Giveaway!!!!


  1. I so love what Steve is making you for your buttery. I can't wait to see it finished. With the other items you have found for it, I can see it just being great! Some great material and wow, lots of it. Love the crocks and the candle mat. Enjoy your day off.

  2. Everytime you post wonderful goodies you found at Goodwill or TS, I say "that's it, I'm moving to Ohio!" You find the most awesome items Mary and you are one lucky woman to have such a talented, willing man to build so many awesome things!

    About the Morning Glory, for now I'm not finding anything wrong with it, but like I said, I haven't been using for as long as so many of you gals have been. I was just happy to find it again!
    Have a great day and send this old gal some of your energy!! Please?

  3. I love the buttery! Can't wait to see it chuck full of goodies!

  4. I LOVE the computer cabinet!!!!
    you've scored some nice goodies recently!!!

  5. Can't wait to see your cupboard and buttery finished! All your goodies are very appealing! I like the house and stitchery.

  6. Ohhh....I'm loving your buttery cabinet Mary!!! That Steve's got some kind of talent!! Like your new shelving finds too - and can't wait to see what you do with those baby gate pieces...???? Got me puzzled....That upholstery fabric is very sweet - I think a make-do chair would be perfect for it!! Have a great day off! And don't you love that drawer-organizing thing once it actually "hits?" I have to open a newly organized drawer a hundred times to just admire it!! Love that feeling! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  7. Not much? I'd say you've been really busy! I laughed when I read about your decluttering, b/c my daughter came over one day while the kids and I were ripping out carpet, and she said before we did that we needed to watch hoarders. Oh my! I'd never seen it before, but I can tell you, I was a cleaning freak after that! 2 cupboards even came out of my dining room! Karen

  8. Hey Mary, got your email...sorry I haven't gotten back to you. My life has been a DISASTER this past week. Hoping to get with you and try to figure out my pattern brain simply has not been able to function....I don't have your phone #...should have wrote it down when you called so if you get a sec you can call me..still have my #? Ready to get back on to you soon ~Kriss~


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