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Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Thrift Store Fabric Finds

I have a very long week coming up at work. Starting tomorrow and until the following Monday I have exactly one day off. I still am having issues with my health and hope they clear up soon. Basically, during my course of treatment for my sinus/bronchitis stuff the antibiotic killed all the good bacteria in my intestines and left the bad bacteria to take over. So, now I am on yet another antibiotic to kill the bad bacteria and and another pill to build the good bacteria back up. So far it's not working. I know I wanted to lose a little weight, but this is not a good way I decided. LOL. My sciatica is still out of control pain wise even though I'm taking an anti-inflammatory too. Boy this getting old stuff is for the birds.

So on a happy note I told you all I had a good haul on fabric from the Goodwill. The bad news it wasn't the colors with an extra percent off. OH well, I still got a percentage off just for being a frequent shopper :-)

First set is my Americana finds. The lighter is actually a sheet I think, but fabric is fabric... the blue has white stars all over it and the bottom is actually red. Yuck horrible picture.

I know not really prim but I'm sure I can make something beautiful for someone else.

I know a little more cottagy feel to it, but I have some other fabric it will go with just fine.

I actually like lavenders and purples. I also had found fabric just like the floral a LONGGGGG time ago somewhere.

These just spoke to me. That's all I can say...

Last but not least... calicos... the top is black with yes (GAG) hearts in the pattern. The other two are just different colored on blue backgrounds.

These are not just single yard fabrics. I have YARDS and Yards of fabric all for under $34. AND if anyone is interested I am willing to make even trades on fabrics. You have too much of a certain fabric and see something you like that I have let me know.

I have not been able to do much in the way of crafting due to the sciatica and can't sit long enough. This week doesn't look good either, but I WILL work on something or I'll go crazy. LOL.


  1. Poor you, I have been through it, last November to April. It seemed like all the pills would never end. I will pray for you and send you a hug! the yogurt pills, make sure they contain acedophillus (probably spelled that wrong, but that is what it sounds like LOL.) Eating danone with live culture bacteria helps too. HUGS

  2. Wow..what a great find for you and good price. Hope you are well soon and able to get back to crafting.
    Have a great Sunday :)

  3. Hope you feel better very soon. Probiotics will help put good bacteria back.

    Hugs, Janie

  4. Major bummer - so sorry to hear of all issues....and arghhh all the meds. And I oh so know the sciatica issue....You have my sympathy - and wishes for a speedy recovery. Great haul on the fabric - and awesome price!! Hope you survive the week ahead - sounds like a grueling one - and if you're not feeling 100%, it will be a challenge....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. O Mary , whatever are we gonna do about this fabric hoarding issue of yours ? lol I love em all great haul GF! THANK YOU Very much for my awesome bday present I havent posted him yet hes got an appt with the dr appears the USPS roughed him up a abit , broke him right down the middle :0( so Im hoping i can melt his seams enough to squish back together ??? if not there always DUCT TAPE :0) i LOVE HIM BROKE OR NOT THANKS FOR BEIN SUCH A SWEET FRIEND! Praying you get well soon , gettin worried bout ya! Hugs lilraggeydangie

  6. Mary, I am just SO very sorry you are having so many issues lately. I second what the gal above said, try the acidopholis bifidus. You can take them in a pill form. I truly hope that you feel better very soon!
    I love all your fabric! I am a fabric hoarder too! LOL! Love the calicos! I haven't spied any great fabrics lately, probably a GOOD thing! LOL!

  7. Gosh that has been hanging on for quite some time...praying for complete healing kiddo.

    Now...all that from Goodwill??? I've looked for fabrics at ours but they just never have any...not sure why.


  8. Oh, I hope you find the time and strength to make beautiful things from you fabric. I must say your GW must be great!! -Steph-


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