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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Back To Business

Thank you everyone for your prayers and concerns recently as I battled a multitude of health issues. It seems as though I have finally turned the corner and getting back to myself. I feel sooooo much better. I started to turn the corner only about 2 days so I haven't worked on too much in the way of crafts. All I have wanted to do was sleep and sit on the couch and do nothing or work. So, while at work yesterday I pulled out a cross stitch sampler I have been working on and off of for awhile now. I still have a bit to do, but it felt wonderful to work on something. Today I need to clean and get things organized since I have been down so long. The sciatica is responding to the anti inflammatory and I can now go up and down steps virtually pain free so now I can get busy!!!!

Since I haven't done anything much I thought I'd share my sampler progress... This is a pattern I found at a thrift store that was originally a kit. It was too good to pass up.


  1. Glad you are starting to feel better. Love the sampler you picked up and are working on. ~Ann

  2. So glad you are starting to feel better!

    Pretty stichery!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  3. Mary! How did I miss the fact that you haven't been well? I'm so sorry but I'm glad you're feeling a bit better now : ) Love the sampler! Blessings, Shirlee

  4. Glad you are on the mend!! Your sampler is just lovely -- you always do such nice work!

  5. So glad you are feeling better! I used to work at a chiropractor and know just how painful sciatica (sp?)can be! Glad you were able to rest!

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better!!! I love the sampler!

  7. Beautiful You're so fortunate to be able to work on it while at work....So glad to hear you've turned the corner....Now no backtracking! ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. So glad to hear your good news! I love your new sampler and the verse is very inspiring!

  9. So thankful, you're on the mend! Lovely Sampler!

  10. I the sampler. It will look great framed & hanging on your sampler wall. Good to hear your feeling better. Lifting you up in prayer for continued relief of that nasty pain & complete healing. Take care & treat yourself to some continued rest. Blessings!

  11. Mary,
    I am SO glad you are feeling better!
    I LOVE the sampler, it's lovely!
    I have been studying and studying the tutorial, I will keep doing so, I have the pattern printed out, so we will see if I can do this or not! LOL!
    Have a good weekend!

  12. Happy to hear you are feeling more like yourself. The sampler is very pretty. -Steph-

  13. Lovin the sampler! I have a heap of patterns from a wonderful garage sale I found. Planning to spend some long winter hours by the fire, stitching up a storm.


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