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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New Additions

Yes, yes, I am back. I hoped I would have been able to blog a little earlier this morning, but I have only today off until the weekend. I went to a meeting at the school for my daughter, who is doing extremely well, and the teachers just LOVE her. I know that her choice to go to the career center was the best one! Her teacher even said she is doing excellent at web design. (Anyone else out there thinking what I'm thinking???) I think I deserve a selling website designed by her :) lol. Then it was off to Pat Catan's and Walmart. Boy oh boy did I get some great things at Pat Catan's!!! But that is another post. I also needed some supplies to make a few special request items that I got orders for over the weekend. I am super excited!!! I LOVE custom orders. Anyway, then off to my well needed massage appointment. My therapist went to a class on sciatica and she tried out some new techniques that were so awesome today. Now laundry is started and I have a meeting to go tonight yet.
Since we last spoke I got a wonderful box from Lil Raggedy Angie. She is the most talented, funny, and one of the biggest hearted gals I know!!! Well, I happened to be perusing her selling page when what did I see? BUCKEYES!!!! I know it's sad that I live in Ohio and have no buckeye trees around. Anyway, I LOVE to decorate with natural elements so of course I needed them. So I ordered them right away. I pretty much stalked her by sending her like 3 emails and messages about them. Well, when the box came there was a little more then just buckeyes...

Little story about the buckeyes... I get the buckeyes out of the box and my son is sitting there saying Aunt Becky (my sister) said she would make buckeyes for us Mom. For a second I stopped and looked at him and said what??? Then I realized and said... hey Bailey you can't eat these. These aren't candy. LOL. He had never seen a real buckeye and thought all buckeyes were candy. LOL. Then he asked if you could eat the nut out of the buckeye. I said no but asked him if he wanted to try it anyways. Then I got the "MOM...."

She also sent along this awesome hand stitched scarecrow head. It is just too cute!!!! What a great addition to my fall decor!!!!

Then this awesome jointed hand stitched bear. So prim!!! He will look good with my crocks. The coloring is awful in my picture but he is a blue grey... hmmmm ok I changed my mind he will find a new home in my bedroom sitting on my child size rocker.

Last, but not least, this awesome ditty bag. It is soooo fabulous. I don't have anything like it and I already know where it is going....

On my new/old pie safe... Steve bought this for me while I was at work yesterday and brought it home and put it in my dining room... I originally wanted him to make me one just like it. We saw it at the antique store and snapped pictures of it so he could build it. But he says no that it was my birthday and Sweetest Day presents all wrapped up in one. I just LOVE him to pieces!!!! The screen is even ripped in places on the doors. I need to wash it down though it is pretty dirty.

Do you think all this will fit...

in here ???? lol I hope so....

Well, my friends I have lots of laundry to conquer and a pie safe to clean. :) I will be back Friday with my awesome finds today!!! Then I need to get busy and craft all weekend. Steve even said he'd take the kids and leave me all weekend if I wanted no interruptions. LOL. Tempting, but I think they can all stay :) lol


  1. Great Pie safe! Wonderful your daughter is doing well at the caree center. Web design sounds like you can keep her busy. Blessings!

  2. Mary , now how can I top a present like good ol Steve got ya LOL hes a keeper for certain maybe he can take mine and show him how to shop for prims :0) Glad your daughter is doing well I know that is a huge relief for you ! and Im laughing at the buckeyes sheesh if I d only known that poor boy needed some Princess and I coulda made him some , O well tell him Christmas is a coming:0) Glad it all arrived and hope you enjoy cant wait to see the pie safe all filled up with your hoarde! Have a great evening ! hugs lilraggedyangie

  3. What an awesome pie safe!! Angie is a sweetie for sure ,love the goodies she sent you .Hugs,Jen

  4. Mary, Angie is a sweetheart. She is like a energizer battery, she just keeps on giving and going. Love your goodies from her. And your Steve is definitely a keeper. Love the pie safe. So prim and I love the paint job on it. You are a lucky lady. Enjoy your day.

  5. What a nice present! And from a keeper of a guy! You deserve it! I hope it all fits, you don't want to ask me that! LOL!
    I am glad your daughter is doing so well.
    Have a great week!

  6. Love the pie safe and the rest of your blog today! :)

  7. Gorgeous pie safe you lucky thing you!! And of course it's all gonna fit!! Like I said before, I need me a Steve!! Love your goodies from Angie - she is one of the most generous souls around, hey? Love her lil' raggedy heart! And buckeyes - never saw a real one or a confectioned one....yeah, we're deprived (not to be confused with depraved) here in Nod....Glad your daughter is doing well with studies....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  8. So glad your daughter is doing well, and you are getting some pain relief! I love your pie safe! Also all that wonderful fabric! Have a great week!

  9. Hi Mary - I am glad your daughter has adapted well to school and has some great teachers!

    Your pie safe is WONDERFUL! Yes, I think all your fabric will fit, LOL.


  10. Shut the front door!!!!!!!! THat Pie safe is AWESOME and your fabric is going to look amazing in it!!! Steve is a good man. :)

    Love the treasures Angie sent you. She is such a sweetie. I'm blessed to get to spend time with her in blogland and in real life. :)

    Carmen and the Primcats


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