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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Experimenting Day

Good Morning everyone!!!  As you can tell by my post title, today is Experimenting Day.  You know I always LOVE to try new things.  So, as soon as I came home from work at 7am I started my Google search.  Why? you may ask. Well, last night as I was working we had down time in which we are allowed to sleep on our 24 hour shifts.  I laid there... and laid there...and laid there.  I was not able to fall asleep because I had a massive flow of crafting ideas and was unable to sleep.  I was so excited to start them today that I didn't lay down after I came home.  Anyway, I have never worked with salt dough (as an adult) to make ornies.  So, I found several different recipes and have yet to decide on one.  I will though this afternoon when I have a little more time.  HOWEVER, if any of you have a favorite salt dough recipe to share please do!!!  You have a few hours yet before I start them. :-)

In the meantime, I am working with this... also a new medium for me to play. 

I have several items baking right now.  I don't want to show you yet until 1.) they work and look wonderful or 2.) I fail miserably and tell you what not to do :-)  I will be ecstatic if it turns out like I hope it will.  Then I will have some very special items to sell if it does. So are you ready to hurt me yet since I won't tell you? lol

I hope to be back tomorrow with the finished products.  Stay tuned :-)


  1. Oooooo. I can't wait to see the amazing things that kept you up all night. The best ideas always steal our sleep. -Steph-

  2. Looks interesting Mary! Can't wait to see what you created!! And I wanted to stop by and take a moment to wish you and yours a very Happy and Healthy New Year!! hugs!!

  3. I have a package of paper clay from Crayola that I've had forever. I was supposed to use it to craft snowman heads or something resembling an amateur sculpted head on a doll maybe. I am frozen and unable to break the package open. Maybe after I see what you've done I will!

  4. O Mary have lots of fun but dont forget to rest dont want ya gettin run down n dreadful sick again ! Colleen at Baby makes five has great salt dough tutorials , her recipe is great I have used it in the past , or get with my sister Rachel her salt doughs rock and she also used to do a lot of sculpey creations as well! Happy Crafting !hugs lilraggedyangie

  5. I can't wait to see what you are making!!

    Have fun, Janie

  6. Hey Mary I will tell you this what ever flour you use in your salt dough mixture it will effect the shape
    if you want a more flat use all-purpose if you want it a more 3-D or texture like use the self-rising

  7. I want to see what you come up with too, but be sure and get some sleep when you can! I love your ideas!

  8. Morning Mary,
    I think most of our best ideas come from THINKING too much when we're supposed to be
    Can't wait to see what you made.


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