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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pattern Re-Releases

A late Merry Christmas to all of you.  I'd like to say my Christmas holiday was wonderful, BUT I can't.  I spent all weekend working.  YUCK!!!!  We did get to open our gifts Sunday night after I got home.  It was looking like we'd have to wait until Monday night, but my son texted me to come pick him up from his Dad's house Sunday night so we could open gifts.  I was thankful for that.  Me, being the procrastinator that I am, waited until December 23rd to order Steve's Christmas presents.  One of them arrived today. :-)  He said he understood.  I just couldn't decide what to get him.  He buys what he wants, for example,  he bought the DVD set of the television show "Coach" wrapped it then put my name on it as if I gave it to him.  LOL. I guess that made it easy.  He still has 2 more gifts coming in the mail.  I'm sure he will like them.

Other than that, last week, I got absolutely nothing done since I worked everyday but Thursday.  So today, my day off, I decided to re-release some of my patterns.  These were from 2008, when I first decided to make patterns.  I had to go back in and make some minor changes to them, but now they are once again available for purchase.

Primitive Pineapple Bowl Fillers

Primitive Sheep Pattern

A printable PDF format is $8.00 while a printed pattern is $10.00 includes shipping. Please email me to order.  You will get a color picture, pattern, and directions to complete the above goodies.

In case you didn't notice, I have made navigating my blog a little simpler.  You will notice the tabs underneath my heading picture.  Click on those to be taken to the pages containing those items. :-)

I may re-release another pattern for my prim geese, but I haven't decided if I will or not.  This is what they would look like if I do.  I even made a mallard and Canadian goose out of the pattern.

I don't know about you, but I have started thinking about my New Year's resolutions.  I am really going to try to make them easy for me to achieve.  Normally, I make ones that I really can't do and then I feel bad if I break them.  I won't tell you in today's post, but I will as the New Year approaches.

I just want to say thank you for visiting today.  I hope you are having a wonderful week.


  1. O Mary love em all get all my holiday bills caught up Im gonna be needing a few of those patterns Ill let ya know ! Sorry bout the chaos o and I did see on fb bout the bug dude OMG Id still be scratching ! Big hugs have a great week! lil raggedyangie

  2. I love the patterns. So cute and prim. -Steph-

  3. I like the prim sheep, but your mallards and goose, oh my they are
    My resolution is to not make resolutions.

  4. So sorry to hear that you had to work all weekend, Mary; that really stinks. Hopefully you can make up for it next year!

    Love your ducks, by the way.


  5. Sorry to hear you had to work the holiday - but, hey, Christmas is a season, not a day in my book (at least that's my excuse for leaving my holiday decorations up until mid-January (if not later this year!) Great patterns Mary - love those little sheep! Wish I were more talented...and had more time! Wishing you a great rest of the week. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. Happy holidays folks and i hope you have a healthy and very happy new years. Richard


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