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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Good Morning! I'll bet you thought I fell off the face of the earth :-) Ha! no such luck LOL.  I have just been working on my daughter's quilt and have not done much else.  That was my goal to finish it last week while I was on vacation.  Well, after some frustration and almost tears I finished it yesterday.  I didn't end up machine quilting it because it didn't go as smoothly as I wanted.  I had to rip out what I had done and decided to tie it.  I have also decided I will not tackle a quilt this big in my place.  I had a very hard time finding a place to lay it out to put it together.  But, finally, it is done.

Front... I apologize these are phone pictures...

Back of quilt

Last weekend all of us went to the Polar Express ride in Dennison Ohio.  We went because I got free tickets to go.  I just had to guard the first aid bag. LOL.  I didn't need to use my skills luckily. So, I took the opportunity to be on a moving train for the first time ever.  My kids even enjoyed themselves.  I even let my kids take a picture of me while we were there.  So, if you ever wondered what Steve and I look like here we are.  This is a rare occasion because I absolutely hate having my picture taken.  Anyway, here we are...

Steve has been busy in the workshop.  We got a special request for a fireplace board from a lady in Bowling Green Kentucky.  It turned out so cute....

Steve also painted up another one we will have for sale.  This one is not  prim'd up yet.  These are some of the newest stencils I have.

I caved in and went to some thrift stores last week too.  Of course I found some more fabric, but I also found this piece that I would like to repaint and put in the booth.  One of the handles is missing off a drawer so I will either have to put new ones on or look around at the flea market for one maybe like it.  Either way I'd LOVE to keep it, but there is no room here at the homestead :-) 

Today is my only day off this week until next Tuesday.  Yes, that means I am working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I'm not happy about it, but the overtime will be nice :-)  I still need to go shopping for Steve.  Tomorrow is his birthday and then of course Christmas follows 2 days later.  He is so difficult to buy for, but my son thinks he knows what to get.  So, maybe later we will venture out.

I need to get moving.  So, thanks for stopping by.  I will talk to you soon. 


  1. Well hello there Miss Mary! Good to "see" you. I don't like my pic taken either, but you two look like a wonderful couple.
    The quilt turned out awesome and I'm sure your daughter will be loving it.
    Love the fireplace boards! Your Steve sure is a handy one; HB to him and good luck finding a gift. Men can be so hard to buy for ;-)
    I wish we had the opportunity to ride a train around here. My little grandson Alex LOVES trains and squeals whenever they are close by.
    Trying to find him and engineer hat is next to impossible!
    Sorry to hear you have to work the holiday but it's the nature of the job.
    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and peace be with you in the new year!

  2. Good morning! You and Steve are a great looking couple! Love the fireplace boards and I tell you that I can't wait to see that piece of furniture when it is finished.Your daughter is a lucky lady to be getting such a beautiful quilt!!!
    So sorry that you have to work Christmas! Happy Birthday to Steve,hope that you can find the perfect gift.Merry Christmas,Jen

  3. The quilt looks great Mary!! Happy Birthday to your Steve and hope you all have a very Merry Christmas (even if you have to work)!!


  4. The quilt looks awesome!!! I bet you are happy to have it done. Your stencils look great too. I am happy you had a good time on the train. Merry Christmas. -Steph-

  5. Love your quilt, Mary! I'm a new quilter and was surprised to see the pretty pattern on the back. I have SO much to learn! LOL

    Hugs and Merry Christmas,

  6. What a Beautiful quilt. I see alot of time went into making this. Your daughter is lucky.
    Happy Birthday to Steve! and a Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  7. Running woefully behind here at blogging - sorry I missed your post and the opportunity to wish you a merry, merry, Christmas and Steve a happy birthday. Hope you found something to get him - I hate shopping for my husband - impossible to buy for. That train trip sounds amazing - I would so love to do something like that sometime; unfortunately, we don't have anything like that in these parts. You and Steve make an adorable couple! And your quilt is gorgeous! Bet your daughter is thrilled to pieces! Smiles & Holiday Hugs ~ Robin


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