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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Added To My List

I haven't been very motivated yet this week.  This is my long work week and it's hard to do anything.  So, normally I just do quick things.  Things that will add to my ever growing UFO (unfinished object) pile.  This is no exception.  I bought this quilt awhile ago at the thrift store for a really good price.  I don't remember how much just a couple bucks I'm sure, but if it wasn't a good deal I wouldn't buy it. lol.

This is the before:  I LOVED that it was hand quilted but, I have always hated the finished edge since I got it because it didn't look or feel right.  These pics were taken with my cell phone because I took it to work with me to do.  Anyway I could never tell if it was suppose to be a binding or border.  I just knew it was puffy and looked weird.

So I decided to take a peek.  I started to rip out the seams. What the heck???? Who does this???

Of course now I have to take it all off. Again who finishes a quilt like this!?!?!?! Really a rolled up piece of batting.

I had to unroll it to see of course.

So now all I have left is the center hand quilted part.  I'm still debating if I should use the red I tore off to make binding, or if I should go with a different color.  I can't add a border at this point so into the UFO pile it goes. lol.  I'll get to it someday.

I also did a little bit more crafting. 

You all know I'm not a heart kind of girl, but I made these out of thrift store little girl velour dresses.  I saw on Pinterest (which by the way I'm addicted to lol) someone made strawberries out of velvet.  So, I LOVED the idea and ran straight to the thrift store in search of velvet and came up short.  I thought maybe this would work instead.



The red pillow was already made and laying in my UFO pile, so I decided to make something.

I got a few other things at the thrift store...

I LOVE geraniums!  There is a full pot, but you can't see it since my desk top sinks down in.

Some Spring flowers...

A basket to use in my craft room for my strips of fabric.

I got a few other odds and ends, but nothing worth showing lol. 

I have a day off today, so I will go out to the garage and find something wood to paint for my tutorial.  So, keep checking back this weekend for a tutorial.  Have a great day :-)


  1. Holy cow Mary, I'm not a quilter by any means, but have to wonder along with you why the edges were finished like that?!?!? I know it will be much better when you finish your way. ;-)
    I am amazed at what everyone else finds at their TS. Why don't I ever find flowers like that? I mean really? Nice score, AGAIN!
    Well, hope you have a good week even if is a l-o-n-g one for ya.

  2. That quilt binding method is a mystery to me as well! I don't know the size of the center but assuming those are 12-1/2" blocks I'd take the red fabric & make a thin border around it, then pick up the colors in the blocks along with the background muslin & do a sawtooth border with those around that, & then finish it off with the same red for traditional binding. You were lucky to find a hand quilted piece for such a good price! Blessings, Shirlee

  3. Hi Mary,
    I'm awed over the hearts you made from recycled are so creative.
    I have an eye for some things but I probably couldn't look at what you did and think Hearts...
    Oh yes Pinterest...goodness I have to keep myself away from there...get dragged in though when someone pins something of mine and then I'm off and running to visit their it though.

    I read your prior post and love the Strawberry Make Do Pinkeep...just beautiful. I only wish I liked to do machine stitching because I'd have tons of pretties like that. It's in my head, not my hands. I do love hand stitching though.


  4. Hi Mary...Interesting post today...I have been a quilter for over thirty years and I have NEVER seen anything like that before...if it could only talk!!! Love all of the great things you found thrifting...esp. the Spring flowers! :) Enjoy your day, Tina

  5. Some edging on that! Who would??
    I like it though, it would look good with a thin binding of the red (I love red), then prairie points outside of that, in coordinating colors. I love the prairie points too. That would be a great table topper!

  6. I am not a quilter, but I can't imagine finishing a quilt that way. It is SO pretty without that puffiness around it... How ever you finish it up, I know it will be gorgeous....

    Great finds at the TS.... LOVE the hearts you made! And the geranium and spring flowers were a good score as well!

  7. I think the edges of the quilt would be so nice if done in a different color. It's a beautiful piece though. I love geraniums too. I get a few pots of them every summer.
    I love the red grungy pillow. It is so cute there in that display. I love the term UFO pile:) Made me laugh.

  8. I love the quilt but the edges are a mess..You will be able to fix it and it will look like a million bucks..Have a great day..


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