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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Primitive Painting/Distressing 101

There are many resources on the web these days on techniques used to paint/distress wood items.  I'm going to show you how I/we distress our wood items.  It is basically the same as most of the other how to's, but for those who may be new to prim painting here you go.

I'm starting out small.  Whenever I try something new I start with a small project.  So let's start out with your every day unfinished wood spoons.  I go to the Dollar Store, Family, Dollar, you know what I'm talking about and buy a package maybe 6 at a time for under $3.00.

I had a few in my booth that weren't selling so I brought them home.  Now, when I took them to my booth I had stained them only.  This is the first step of the process.  I don't stain everything first, but I think the if you do the end result is much better.  You can certainly not stain them and they'll be just fine.

This is the only stain I use... the key word is GEL!!!!  It works so much better than the real liquidy kind.  It isn't as messy and a little goes a long way.

Next step is paint.  I just pour a little acrylic paint (the kind in the squeeze bottle) on to a paper plate and get busy painting.  I use acrylic on small projects, but use regular latex on big projects.  If you'll notice I use a really cheap shower curtain under all my painting projects.  It's large enough to hold a big project but can be folded for small ones.  I only painted it with one coat of paint.

This is the other one.  This mustard is sooooo bright. EEEKKKK  I bought it awhile back and I figure I better use it up. lol

Wait for your paint to dry completely.  Then get fine grit sandpaper and lightly sand the spoon.  Lightly because you just want some of the paint to sand off if you stained your piece first.  If you didn't stain it first sand it until you can see the natural color of the spoon  underneath in different places.

All sanded...

Next step is re-staining.  I always use rubber gloves when I stain.  Wood stain does not come off of your hands with soap and water.  I always save all of my holey socks or lone socks for staining purposes.  I don't like using paper towels because they fall apart.

Take a small section of your sock and dip it in the stain.  You don't need a lot.  Rub the stain all over the spoon.  If you think you have too much in one area no problem.  Just re-rub over the spot either with the stained section or use a clean section of the sock.  This stain will seal in the color.  I do not polyurethane my items unless they need to be wiped down occasionally.

The final step is optional.  I like to use a a furniture wax as the final coat on my items.  It basically just gives them a soft smooth finish.  You can find it at most hardware or home improvement stores.

Make sure the stain is completely dry.  Then take another sock and rub it in the paste then on your spoon.  Let it dry and you are finished.   So here they are all finished. :-)

I am currently working on another project that will have multiple layers of paint on.  It's a new technique to me to we'll see how it goes.  I have another paint and burn technique tutorial too.  So, if you have mastered this process check this one out too.  Paint and Burn Method.


  1. What a great tut....I have several of these old spoons and I may do this...yours turned out very nice.
    I even have some Briwax so hope it will work as well.

  2. Thanks for the tutorial. Your spoons turned out wonderful. I have some laying around here, I may have to try this.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Looks like a fun thing to try and if you really don't like the way it turns out it isn't a big deal since the cost is minimal. Yours look great :)

  4. Boy, this tutorial would have been so nice last summer when I was trying to figure things out for the first time. I am so happy you did this. I will reference it. -Steph-

  5. Thank You for the tutorial..The spoons look great..

  6. Hi Mary...I use this method also and I just painted my bedroom furniture. It came out great but I didn't use the paste wax. I think I'll do that too. Thanks for the tutorial...I still have to make my made do chair.


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