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Monday, February 6, 2012

Some Redo's

In my last post I told you that I was working on a new paint technique.  I LOVE how it turned out, but the process is long.  I'm hoping I will be able to hang it going up my stairs, but I have a bad feeling it hangs too low.  If not, I may have to hang it in my hallway.  Anyway, this is how it turned out.

Before: thrift store find...

After: 3 layers of paint later

close up:

A different view:

I made these grungy jars awhile back and decided I wanted to be able to use them year round.  So added a little pizazz lol


After: plus I added another jar I found.

I have started painting a set of star boxes I had in my stash.  Hopefully I will be able to finish those up this week.  Today, I wanted to get some cleaning done that I have been neglecting because I'd rather craft.  So, I have cleaned my kitchen top to bottom, vacuumed, dusted, and laundry.  I have started to pull out some Spring items, but I need to finish putting away winter things this weekend.  I know I'm rushing it a little, but with these beautiful sunny days I just can't help it. 

Do you ever have one of those nights that you just can't sleep because you have a ton of ideas or things running through your head?  I have been like this for the last two nights.  The reason being is we have sold quite a few of our bigger furniture pieces at the booth and are running out of display space.  So, I have been thinking about what else I have that I might be able to put down there for display.  This may mean A. I need to find something else to sell from my collection, B. put one of my pieces down there with a NFS tag, or C. have Steve throw something together.  I think I've come up with a plan, but it will mean a furniture move in my home, which then means move my collections around a little.  I need to figure it out so that I can take something to the booth on Thursday as the person who bought my TV stand will be coming soon to get it out of layaway.  UGGGHHH what to do, what to do... With Steve working full time he doesn't have a lot of time to build things, so if I ask him to do it I need to have a picture drawn with measurements ready to go.  Grrrrr.... see what I mean I just go back and forth back and forth. lol.

Have a wonderful next few days.  I'll be back soon :-) I have another redo ready to show you then.


  1. Love the jars redo, great idea

  2. Hi Mary, Thanks for sharing your projects. It is wonderful that your pieces have been moving briskly at your booth! I know what ever you do, it will work out great!

    Chin up, and carry on :)


  3. I love how it turned out..Don't stress..Whatever you decide will be fine..Good Luck though on your choice..Have a great week..

  4. I love the layerd paint. It looks so great. I love what you did to the jars. They look so good. I may have to steal. -Steph-

  5. Love the shelf redo, the painting process turned out really well, great job. Just shows you should never pass up a thrift store find, could turn out to be something great. Love the jars. Vicky


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