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Friday, February 10, 2012

Rearranging and a WARNING

In my last post I was talking about rearranging in order to have some furniture for the booth to display.  So, after I got home from work yesterday morning  I jumped in and started rearranging.  I now have two pieces to take to the booth.  I'm unsure if I want to sell them quite yet, but at least I can use them until I do get something to sell. 

I was trying to find a before picture, but I guess I didn't take any for my winter decorating. :/

After:  I want Steve to build me a footstool for my chair still.  See the brown in the bottom left corner.  That's the new couch that I haven't showed you yet.  Steve bought it because he said he was tired of looking at mine and it was starting to sag really bad.  It was bittersweet taking my baby to the Goodwill.  After all I had it for probably close to 10 years or more.

I took my candles out of the window because... see the spot in the middle of the carpet???  Yeah, my candle fell out of the window while we were gone and burnt a spot in the carpet.  So this is a WARNING!!!! Thank goodness it was a low wattage bulb!!!!

I just saw my son's Ipod AND the paddle lol.  No, I don't use this on my kids.  It used to be my son's Dad's paddle when he was younger and I just haven't given it back yet.  I laid it there to remember to give it to my son when he goes to his Dad's.  Oh and of course the newest trend for your prim decor... a goldfish.

I'm thinking the jars won't be staying here.  I have another idea already.  I LOVE my new candle in a jar in the upper right of the picture.  I will show you the inspiration for it.  I already had the candle shelf, but I bought the glass cylinder at the flea market for $.75. 


Inspiration... The Workshop of David T. Smith gorgeous pictures!!!!!  

I just LOVE their candle holder hanging on the peg rack AND of course the whole kitchen!!!

Pieces going to the booth... the black cupboard... again not sure if I'm ready to part with it.  I may be able to if Steve will build me something like it only with a tombstone cut out for the top.

And the green bookshelf...  I need to fix a few things on it though first because I forgot to "prim" up one of the legs on it. lol

Today I have a few more things to redecorate in the living room then I need to start on the dining room since I took the red corner cupboard out.  I also have a bare space on my wall in the living, since I moved that green bookshelf.  It is crying out for something to be put on it.  I'm also contemplating taking down the gameboards and doing something else there too.  Still thinking on that one.  Steve suggested moving my stitcheries to that part of the wall. 

I already have a plan for the dining room I think.  This room is going to take quite a bit of time because I have all my winter greenery piled on the dining table from the living room.  I need Steve to get down my totes off of a shelf in the garage so I can put them away.  I've decided to put up a year round German twig tree in my dining room where my corner cupboard was.  Ok, at least for now I'm going too, lol.  I have a wonderful idea if I can pull it off.  We'll see because it would entail me crafting some ornies and such.  Hopefully after today I will be able to show you my other redo Steve helped me with because I'm putting it in the dining room .  I'll try to post it this weekend.  Have a great day and see you soon :-)


  1. Good morning...rearranging furniture is always so much fun! I envy you!! Wish I had a little extra time these days to do a little myself...I am anxious to see what wonderful idea you have come up with for the twig tree!! Enjoy your day, Tina

  2. Boy, you have been busy. What neat things you have in your collection. I am most intersted in the paddle. I would love to have one displayed where my 3 little girls could see it everyday:) I would never use it of course, but they don't know that:) Ha Ha. Anyway. I am pinning your redware to my board. -Steph-

  3. I just love your decorating, Mary! I love looking and looking again! I LOVE that black cabinet and not sure how you can part with it! I want something similiar for Cedar Loft kitchen.

    Glad the candle didn't cause anymore damage. That's kind of scary!

    Have a great weekend, girl! :)


  4. Everything looks beautiful. I couldn't stand to part with the
    black cupboard, uh-uh!
    I see your Make-Do chair and it
    looks awesome in your house.
    Mr. Glen Oaks enjoyed the tutorial
    and he's eager to start one with
    our old ladderback chairs that my
    Mom didn't want anymore.

  5. I used to spend hours at David T. Smith's kitchen photos, paying attention to every little detail. They are amazing.

  6. wow Mary, lots of plans in the works! Hope everything just falls into the perfect place!

  7. Busy girl. Good choices for your booth. Hopefully Steve can get something made so you wont have to sell your lovelies.


  8. geez, you make me tired just reading about all you have been doing. :) i love your place!!!

  9. You sure are busy..
    Great pieces to take to your booth..
    I am sure they would sell if not just using for displays..
    Have a great weekend..

  10. Everything looks beautiful Mary!!!
    Love your make do chair. Mary


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