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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hey Columbus OH Area Friends!!!

Yeah, you :-)  Steve and I along with some other prim friends Carmen read her post about it are coming to the Columbus area to SHOP!!!!  I have heard there are some fabulous stores in your area, so Steve so kindly agreed to take me down on Saturday Feb. 18th.  I will be getting off of a 24 hour shift, but I promise I will try not to be grumpy :-)  If you'd like to meet up with all of us click on Carmen's name above to read the post and to get a hold of her.  She is setting everything up.  Hope to see some of you there!!!!

In other news...

I told you I'd show you my redo's.  So, I thought I'd share today.

My first project was my grater light.  I just LOVE it!!!!  I bought the grater at the thrift store, had Steve cut a block of wood to shove up from the bottom.  Then I had him drill out a circle in the block of wood.  I already had the light so I shoved it up in the hole and there you go.  This light was one of those single bulb and has a clip type thing at the bottom so the light won't fall out. See that I used some of my fake redware on my pegs? The two of them in the middle are actual reproduction ones from Ragon House.

OK Since we are on the above picture want to see what I used for my textile racks???

The top thing is a yarn winder... I believe not really sure.  Bought at the thrift store awhile back and couldn't figure out how to use it.  The thing below I'm not sure what it is, but it's wood and I thought either a handle for a tool or a yoke of some sorts.  Bought that at the flea market.

And the other side... excuse the wrinkles lol  Did you know you can buy fabric that looks like coverlets??? That's what the blue piece is :-)

This my friends came off of an Amish buggy.  It's the piece right behind the horse I think.  I know I've seen them on there some where. lol.  Anyway, another flea market find.

And this... the wood box FREEEEEEE trash find!!!!  I had to wash it out and man oh man did I get the worst splinter from this thing!!! But I LOVE it!!!!!  hehe see my new year round tree on the right?  I'm waiting on some lights to arrive then I'm going to decorate it.  Steve couldn't wait he grabbed a couple ornaments and asked if he could put them on the tree.  He looked a bit disappointed when I told him no.

I'm working on taking more pictures of my Spring decorating, but I have some empty "props" I need to fill first and right now I'm not sure what I want to use yet.  It may have to wait til this weekend in case I find some goodies!!!  I'm working on a couple projects today, so maybe I'll be able to show you Thursday.  Yep, I work tomorrow so no post.  But until then have a wonderful day.


  1. Happy Love Day, Mary!
    Awesome pics as always. Boy, I'm jealous that you will get to meet up with some other prim blog friends and shop! Hope Carmen's eyes heal quickly.

    hugz and blessings,

  2. The more the merrier I say!!!! Come one come all! :) We are going to have a great day! hope steve doen't mind being the only guy. Maybe I will make my hubby tag along. lol! JK... he would be bored out of his mind!

    Love your racks! Looking good!

    Happy Valentines Day to you!!!!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  3. Happy Valentines Day. The trip sounds like a lot of fun you girls take a lot of pictures.


  4. OMG loving the redo can come redecorate my house while your in my neck of the woods this weekend:0) Wish I could go with you girls sad I cant Mr moving in the morning and my back and leg wont let me walk that long to shop :0( so y'all are gonna have to buy it all up for me , make me proud! I hate that y'all are gonna be so close and I cant be there ! Maybe next time ! Happy Valentines Day ! hug slilraggedyangie

  5. I love everything, Mary. That's so awesome about the shopping trip.

  6. Awesome displays!!!
    Love your grater light!!!
    Prim Blessings

  7. Great pics!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  8. Thanks for sharing your gave me some great ideas to use some of the items I have in the garage to decorate the next house with :)
    Great pictures


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