My Pages

Thursday, February 16, 2012


OK let's try this again.  I already had half of my post typed then I somehow stupidly deleted it. grrrr... This better not be any indication of how the rest of my day will go.  So let's try this again.

I told you the other day that I was working on some new projects.  I only completed one of them, but the other two aren't far behind.  This first project are some painted boxes I finished.  I can't tell you how long I've had these paper mache boxes.  I just thought about something.  This counts toward finishing another UFO. Woohoo!!!  Anyway, I just couldn't decide how I wanted to do them.  Well, after looking at Pinterest (I'm so addicted) I got some ideas.  So here's my first projects...  I have an issue with that top box's lid.  It doesn't want to flatten out.  I need to deal with that yet.

My unfinished projects.

My next project that I worked on while the above one was drying was this one.  I took a piece of scrap linen like material and coffee/paint stained it.  Then I used one of my new stencils from Folk Art From the Harbor. This one was actually a three step stencil, but I only used two.  I'm thinking I'm going to put this in a frame, but then I've also considered making a pillow out of it.  I just can't decide.  This right here is why I have so many UFO's.  I get to a point where I don't know how I want to finish it and set it aside.  grrrr...  I'm so addicted to redware and yellow ware can you tell? lol

Third project I stitched yesterday while at work.  This here I have a ton of ideas for.  I'd like to make a drum pinkeep, but I can't find directions on how to cut the circles for each end.  I'm guessing it's the width of the roll plus 1/4" allowance??? I'm still thinking on that one.  Of course then I thought what about a needle roll/kit, or a pillow tuck, or..... see what I mean I can't make a decision to save my life. lol  I'm also deciding if I need a border around it.  sheesh!!!!

This last picture is for Margie of Hungry Hook Primitives.   She posted a  picture of her old/new chandelier she redid.  She asked if I would post a picture of mine because I told her I had done the same thing.  Many of you will remember how ugly and shiny gold this once was.  Then Steve roughed it up and re sprayed painted it.  I just LOVE it!!!  The flowers below are ones Steve bought me for Valentine's Day.

I have a few things I have to do this morning, but I'm hoping to work on the two projects and maybe get them finished up.  I hope you have a great day!!!


  1. Well, you have been busy! I like the boxes and the redware is neat! I joined the pinterest, but am trying not to be on all the time! LOL! Like I needed another thing! LOL!
    I like all your projects!
    I am planning on finishing painting the bathroom this weekend. I will see what else I get done.
    Pretty flowers!
    Have a great day.

  2. Love the folk Art bird on fabric.It would be neat framed..I'm like you start it and set it aside not so much because I don't know how to finsh it but I get bored if the project takes to long to many distractions.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. I love your projects, you always do a great job!

  4. I am in LOVE with the stenciled bird! The colors are perfect, and it would look great framed.

  5. Nice FInishes!

    I did the same thing with my kitchen chandelier. Pained an ugly brass into a beautiful black.

    Carmen and the Primcats

  6. Love the boxes!! It's always a nice feeling to finish a UFO isn't it!!

    Have a great day~Becky

  7. Great projects!Isn't it amazing what a little paint will do on a once shiny gold chandelier?

  8. LOVE the Americana boxes Mary, those are awesome! So glad to know that I'm not the only one that can't make decisions therefore putting off finishing projects, lol! Just think what all we would have done if we could just decide what we wanted to do, hehe.

    Have a fantastic week~

  9. Great projects..I love the bird stencil..

  10. Wonderful creations!
    I Love the redwork.
    Beautiful flowers you got ~ you must of been a good girl!!!
    I always have lots of UFO's ~ I think life would be boring if we didn't have some. Have fun finishing yours up!
    Prim Blessings

  11. Hi, Mary:
    I LOVE the boxes. Me want them.
    Your other stencil is so pretty.
    I can't believe you stitched all of
    that cross stitch and at work too.
    I can't even do one thing at once!
    It's so pretty.


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