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Monday, February 20, 2012

Year Round Tree and Recent Finds

Things didn't go as planned so I didn't make it to Columbus this weekend to visit some awesome blogger friends.  I was a little disappointed, but since Steve started this new job he has been working 6 days a week.  He forgot he told me he'd take me and when his boss asked if he could work he said yes.  grrrr....  I am planning on going to these awesome prim shops though sometime soon.  All I can say is I saved some money and got to start a new project. :-)  I'm not going to show you yet until I get a little further on it.  However, I'm becoming a tight wad with my money for this project.  Let's just say I'm recycling and reusing :-) I know you're scratching your head right now trying to think of what it could be. lol

First, I thought I'd show you my progress on my year round tree.  I know how to make silicone lights, but I just didn't have time so I bought some from one of my good friends Patti.  She is the owner of Brickhouse Craft Shop in Pa.  I wanted just a glow from my lights so I ordered Antique gold.  Patti mixes in spices and even scents the lights too.  She makes all colors of lights.  She even had some really cute Easter colors.  Anyway, then I added some of my faux redware and yellowware ornies, wood bead garland, pewter ornies, some candles and this is what it looks like so far.  Yes, I know the tree is leaning a little in the picture. lol.  Your eyes aren't going bad. lol.  I have a few more things I want to make for it.

The small redware ornie and star is a reproduction not made by me.

I worked just Friday and Sunday and well you know what I did Saturday, so I didn't get much around the house done.  I'm going to try and finish decorating today and get some more Spring pictures for you to see :-) I realized though that I haven't showed you some goodies I got recently at the flea market and thrift store.

My most recent finds...

The grey box with drawers I found last week at the flea market.  I haven't had a chance to go through it, but it is full of sewing goods and for some weird reason a container of reptile food. lol  It looks so worn and I actually like the glass knobs.

I got these the same day at the flea market.  I already have a huge wood spoon collection, but what is a few more. lol  I think the thing that has a $2.00 sticker on it is a masher and I have a few of them too. :-)  I think the last pottery thing is some kind of wine carafe because on the other side is an old label that leads me to believe it.

Anyway, it blends nicely with my yellowware.

I also went to the Goodwill and found quite a few things.  I found this sign and have already prim'd it up a little.  This is the before shot lol.  I will be selling this.

Don't you just LOVE the cantaloupe painting.  I think it'll match well with my kitchen decor. LOLOLOL NOT!!!!  Don't worry I'm going to sand it off.  There are initials on it and it says 1979.

Yep just $1.99.  I just need to take the hanger off.  

LOVE this pineapple mold!!!  Of course some candles to grunge up.  The mustard color is awesome so I may not change the color on them.

Last but not least I found some pewter.  Woohoo!!!! I even got it at 35% off because this particular Goodwill was having a sale the day I went!

They even found a home already... 

I got some more fabric, but it's in the dryer as we speak.  I only got one piece but I think it's about 3-4 yards.  It is pink, BUT it is very colonial looking.  Remember I'm planning a brown and pink quilt sometime... yeah probably in the next decade. LOL.  I am such a fabricaholic!!! I need to get laundry done and a visit to see my friends at the prim shop is in order since it's 40% off day if you wear flip flops.  Like I need more stuff... lol I'm trying really hard to watch my spending for this bankruptcy thing.  I'm still waiting on my tax refund, but as soon as I get it I can file. :-) 

I hope to be back on Thursday with progress on my new project. 


  1. Morning Mary,
    sorry you didn't get to go meet up with the others, but like we say at our house "you gotta work when there's work" it's been pretty scarce for my hubby as well.
    Your tree is awesome-yes I noticed it was leaning, I just tipped my head. lol
    Wonderful finds and I wear flip flops all year long, well inside during winter but I'd wear them if our TS offered the 40% off!
    Hope you have an awesome week.

  2. Love the things you bought, and your tree! But I have to tell you, I'm laughing like crazy over the reptile food!??? Have a great week, Mary!

  3. We missed you Mary! But there will always be a next time. :)

    Love all your new treasures!

    And your tree is looking cute!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  4. I never can find pewter or anything resembling it at my Goodwill. I guess I need to go more often. Pewter is next on my "have to collect it list". Great finds!

  5. Hi, Mary:
    I'm liking the idea of a year 'round tree more and more. You're another lucky thrift shopper. I love everything you found.I'm going on a Google search now to look for some TS and Goodwills in MA again!

  6. Too bad you missed out on the shopping trip, sounds like the girls had a great time. But you're right... saved you some $$, haha!

    My year round tree is not that tall, but I really enjoy having it out all year. Patti's lights are awesome! I saw her Easter lights, they are so cute, aren't they? Love your bead garland and all your ornies!

    Good flea market finds. Can't believe you found a masher for 2 bucks! They are never that cheap around here. The wine carafe does look great with your yellowware, it blends in nicely, like it just belongs with it. Oh girl, I really hate sanding down paintings that others have worked so hard on. I usually close my eyes and hope I don't hurt myself, lol! My mom was really big into tole painting and put so much time into each piece so I know how much work those are. That's a great board for 2 bucks.

    Have a fantastic week~

  7. Sorry you didn't get to meet your blogger friends on Saturday - I know it was disappointing. Can't wait to see the project you worked on though. You sure got some great goodies at GW.
    Have a great week,

  8. Your tree looks great with your handmade yellow & redware. Beautiful growing pewter collection. Mine is slow to grow. Very rare to find pewter in my area. Pink & brown quilt sounds pretty. Wooden box with glass knobs is pretty. Blessings!

  9. Hi Mary!

    Great the wood spoons and mashers.
    We did miss you Saturday! But we will try again someday/
    Happy Fat Tuesday!

  10. You found some awsome things!!! My fav is the pewter though. For some reason, I just love pewter:) I am sorry you didn't get to go to Columbia this weekend. You are being a good sport. -Steph-

  11. Mary Mary ...Mary lol more fabric ???? really???? lol Love all your new treasures great haul for certain ! Make sure you stop by my blog I think todays post might interest you ! have a great evening ! hug slil raggedyangie

  12. You have a knack for finding the good stuff. Love the tree

  13. Wow...what great finds, Mary! I would be so excited about the pewter and the wooden spoons and masher! Okay, I'm going to be near a GW tomorrow so I need to stop in! Your decor is lovely as always. Can't wait to see what you're up to with your recycling project! :)



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