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Friday, February 24, 2012

PictureTrail Update, Great Deals, and A Project

I apologize for not posting yesterday like I promised.  My lack of sleep from work and a trip to the attorney's office made for a horrible headache, nausea, and chills.  All I did was come home and sit on the couch.  No headache so far today so I will hopefully get things done.

First, I just wanted to let you know I did manage to get some new pictures up on my PictureTrail.  You can either click HERE or go to my right side bar and click the picture at the top.  Enjoy!!!!

OK, in my last post I said I thought about going to one of my favorite shops because they were having a sale. Sooooo.... because of these.... (my son's shoes lol)  I can't stand things between my toes so I don't own real flip flops.  Do you like my fashion statement socks? lol  There is no way I'm going without socks yet. lol

I got 40% off of these :-)

LOVE this... and if you look close at my PictureTrail update you'll see that it already has a home.


It will stand on it's end and I'll use it that way.  I need to paint or get different dividers.  They look like a fiberglass component and I'm not too keen on green either.  I believe this is going to be used in my bedroom.  For now it's still in the basement though.

You all know I'm addicted to Pinterest.  I have found some of the best ideas on there believe it or not.  If you are a follower you know I have a board totally for Great Ideas and another one for Craft Ideas.  The project I started on last week I am doing from an idea I got from one of those boards.  I'm kind of in a Americana mode lately so I decided I wanted to make a mini quilt using red, white, and blue.  I also LOVE penny rugs and wanted to incorporate them.  HOWEVER, wool fabric I don't have, so I'm going to try using regular fabric.  These pennies will need to appliqued to the quilt.  Well, due to my inexperience in quilting I've been looking  around for articles on how to do it.  I came across a great idea...

Here is what the penny will look like...

Well fabric alone is very flimsy obviously and I am not going to fold under all those edges and press them so you can't see them.  I am using my used dry sheets.  Yes you heard me... my old dryer sheets that just sit in the trash.  It stiffens them a bit and when sewn on the fabric you are able to turn them right side out and the edges are already turned under :-)  So I am recycling and reusing.

I know it's hard to tell in the picture... but see the edges? 

I'm still working on the design layout of the quilt.  I have an idea, but I know me I'll change my mind a thousand times before it's done. lol.

I realized that after I posted the other day I left a few things out that I got at the thrift store.  So I thought I'd share again before I forget again. lol

I'm always afraid to try new candles since I never know how they will smell when burned.  Of course I don't want to waste my money to find out either.  So I found this Paula Deen candle at the thrift store and thought I'd give it a try.  It is Creme Brulee and this is as long as someone else burnt it for.  I haven't lit it yet, but I think I will today.

I also found this beautiful blackwork stitchery... Can you imagine the time that went into this??? I just can't believe someone didn't want it. :-/

As I said I had to go to the attorney's office yesterday.  I had to turn in all my bankruptcy stuff and will be signing the papers next Wednesday.  I will NEVER do this again!!!! ugggghhh.  Anyway, I had to go to his office in Mansfield OH which is about an hour away from my home.  I decided since I was down there I'd visit a few prim shops.  I went to The Added Touch and Jilly Junction.  Let me tell you I was in heaven at  The Added Touch!!!!  I bought a few things at 75% off.  The brown and blue fabric is a remnant and I haven't opened it yet, but I got it for $4.00!!!! The other red is upholstery fabric I got for $5.00.   I now know if I make more make do chairs I can get upholstery fabric from them in any style I choose.

Then I happened to see a store called Amish Crafts and Antiques.  I had a little time so I went in and found these lovlies...  I know I paid way too much for the mold, BUT I love it!!!  I can't wait to pour some wax in it.  I've also been looking for a folk art eagle to make into a quilt pattern.  I think this will be my inspiration.

I am going to try to work on my quilt this weekend, but I received an order for 2 sets of my apron and bonnets and will do those as well.  Thank you for visiting and I will see you soon my friends.


  1. Hi Mary, You always find the best goodies at thrift stores!! Love your americana pennies--you could also do fabric yo yo's and flip them over--they would be easy to make and look like regular pennies. Next time you are in Mansfield, go a bit farther and go to The Picket Fence in Hartville (on east side of Akron ),the Hartville flea market (HUGE on nice days in summer), and the BIG antique mall on Rt. 76 east of Akron. Steve might enjoy the new Hartville True Value store in Hartville--they are just now opening their newly built HUGE HUGE store--I can't wait to get there because the old store was fabulous!! Have a great day and I hope your headache stays away.-blessings, Jan

  2. I love the wonderful things you found when you were out doing your dirty work:) That black and white stitchery is amazing. I am glad you got it. I also love the wooden bowl. Love the socks and flip flops.

  3. Enjoy your Paula Deen candle. The scent is delicious. I would love to find that candle at our thrift stores.

  4. I enjoyed looking at all your pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hello Mary - No, it is not too early for sandles! (even if you are wearing socks LOL)

    You always find the best goodies! And the fabric!!!! I need to refresh my stock as well.

    I hope you have a dazzling week!


  6. Mary, I love your wooden boxes - great finds. That blackwork stitchery is awesome.


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