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Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Newest Project

So what did I do during my time off?  Almost finished up my newest project.  I need to finish sewing the binding on, but this is what I've been working on.  Nothing like almost getting it done at 8pm Sunday night.  I'll take it with me to work this week in hopes of finishing it. 

Don't look too closely because I have batting fuzz everywhere on the blue. lol 

I think I'm going to tea stain MAYBE coffee stain for the full effect on this quilt.

Other than that I went and got some material for one of the bonnet and apron sets I will be making for a customer.  I know I'm a pretty boring gal. lol.  I'm content to sit in my house and craft when the weather is cold and snowy.  It keeps me out of trouble of going to the thrift stores and now the flea market.  There is now another prim booth in the flea market with us.  I bought some goodies from her because they were awesome prices.  Now I better get busy and create some things to sell to finance what I bought. lol.

I better get moving and finish up some laundry since I go back to work tomorrow.  I really need to win the lottery.  This work thing is really cutting into my crafting time. lol


  1. Love how the pennies turned out. It will look so good all grunged up. Great job. -Steph-

  2. Love it and can't wait to see it stained.Hugs,Jen

  3. it Mary! You know how I love anything Americana! Staining it will just make it all the better! :)


  4. That is awesome Mary! Great job!!


  5. Hi, Mary:
    How have you been? I adore the new flag project you're working on.
    It always amazes me how quickly you finish a project!
    Need any more charts?


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