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Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Project is Done

I told you I wasn't sure if I'd be coffee/tea staining my newest quilt.  Well, after many of you commented on the picture on Facebook saying that I needed to do it I went ahead and did it.  I have to tell you it was very hard to make the decision.  I have no problem staining someone else's quilt, but when I make it I just can't do it. lol.  I'm just weird that way.  But because of the peer pressure I gave in.  Get this I even had to redip it because after the first dip it wasn't dark enough.  And to think I didn't want to stain it at all.

Before I forget I received a wonderful comment and great idea from a reader Jan from Life on Buttermilk Hill about my quilt.  I hope you don't mind me posting this Jan.  I sure would have LOVED to email you back, but I couldn't get your email address.  This is what she wrote:

Hi Mary, You always find the best goodies at thrift stores!! Love your americana pennies--you could also do fabric yo yo's and flip them over--they would be easy to make and look like regular pennies. Next time you are in Mansfield, go a bit farther and go to The Picket Fence in Hartville (on east side of Akron ),the Hartville flea market (HUGE on nice days in summer), and the BIG antique mall on Rt. 76 east of Akron. Steve might enjoy the new Hartville True Value store in Hartville--they are just now opening their newly built HUGE HUGE store--I can't wait to get there because the old store was fabulous!! Have a great day and I hope your headache stays away.-blessings, Jan

Thank you so much Jan I would have never thought of using yo-yo's upside down!!!  Great idea!!!  I LOVE when you all comment and email me with your awesome ideas.  AND of course thank you for the head's up of some great shopping places.

OK here it is with my newly painted Americana boxes.  (The boxes are for sale $30.00 including shipping) 

This is my long week between both jobs,  but I managed to get my special order bonnet and aprons done.  (BTW my sets are $18 including shipping.)  I still need to coffee stain them this afternoon after the clouds move out.

Today I am finishing up odds and ends of projects that of course have been sitting here for some time.  My tax paperwork was done incorrectly, so I got it corrected and had to send out the corrected version today. I painted a frame for my fraktur bird I painted awhile back.  I am staining my resin trencher in hopes of selling it.  I also stained a sign to get ready to sell. I straightened up the sewing room to get ready for the next project.  I have an idea that I want to try, but might need Steve's help.  If it works I'll be doing a tutorial on it.  :-) 

I hope you are having a great week so far.  Mine is looking better.  The bankruptcy paperwork is signed and filed.  In 4-6 weeks I will have to go to court to finalize it then wait for it to be discharged.  This is the last step in severing all ties with my ex-husband with the exception of our son.  I can finally move forward and not keep looking over my shoulder and waiting for the next lawsuit for unpaid bills that aren't my fault. I don't like the fact that I had to this, but I had to protect myself and kids and our financial future by doing it.  If you are considering doing this please look at all your options first.  This was a last resort for me.  OK enough of this let's move forward. :-)

Have a great day weekend everyone.  It is my weekend to work so I'll see you next week :-)


  1. Mary , Love it all ...your always such a busy lil bee and an inspiration!! Im glad you are coming close to some much deserved closure with the ex ! Cant wait to see what you are up to next ! have a great day ! hugs lil raggedy angie

  2. It looks AWESOME..You do wonderful work..I have been to the Picket Fence and BELIEVE me it is worth the trip there..Hartville is a great place to shop and has a lot to see..The hardware store is unique..I was there before Christmas..There is a PRIMITIVE store on the second floor of Hartville Flea Market that is fabulous..Hope ya make it there soon..Have a great week..

  3. Mary, you are an amazing woman! No one here ever faults you for doing what you had to do! I just enjoy seeing and reading all the stuff you manage to get into, it's a bright spot in my day.
    Have a good weekend!

  4. Your quilt turned out beautiful Mary. I love all the projects you have going on. Thanks for sharing.


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