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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gifts From A Friend

My wonderful friend Rose came to my home Tuesday bearing gifts.  She is one talented lady I tell ya :-)  I let her borrow my A Primitive Place magazine and Mercantile Gatherings magazine when they come in and she makes me these awesome gifts.

First, is this adorable yummy smelling wax bunny...  I nestled him in with some eggs I made a few years ago.

Then she gave me this cute tray of wonderful goodness.  She made the bunnies and tag out of salt dough.  Aren't they the cutest!!!!  Just in time for Easter :-)

We had such a good talk that I almost made her late for work.  I saw her boss a few minutes later at the post office so I know she got there on time. LOL.  Anyway, it was good to unload.  She always knows what to say :-)  Thanks Rose!

I got my quilt top sewn together.  My seams are pretty well matched up.  It looks fabulous!!! Next is basting it all together.  I seem to be having an issue, whenever I quilt, with my backing getting all scrunched up and skewed despite pinning and basting with thread.  I'm debating whether or not to try spray basting.  I'm looking for anyone who might be able to lend a suggestion.  I just don't want to mess it up :-/  I'm going to be machine quilting this.

Casey:  I'm not sure if I'm going to part with this one yet. ;-)  I'll let everyone know. lol

I thought for sure Steve was moving back in, but he didn't.  We have hit a stumbling block all of a sudden that I never thought was an issue in our 3 years.  Please pray for me so I have the wisdom to know what to do.  I really want for this to work, but this could be a deciding factor.

Have a great weekend!  I will be either working or teaching this weekend.  So yep my weekend is pretty well shot. lol 


  1. Mary have you tried a walking foot for quilting on the sewing machine? I bought one for mine but haven't tried quilting with it yet. People say they work well, I hope so. Have a great friday & weekend. Love the bunnies.

  2. Sweet goodies your friend made for you. The quilt looks like a keeper. I think it looks Amish. Lifting you in prayer. Blessings!Lara

  3. The quilt top looks great-no quilting advise here!
    Keeping you in my prayers Mary.

  4. Love your gifts from your friend Mary. It's so good to have someone you trust to talk to. That quilt is beautiful. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  5. 505 spray works great. I have been using it for years.
    I don't pin or baste any more.

  6. Your new gift treasures are adorable...aren't people nice...always 'giving'....

    Beautiful quilt top.


  7. Wonderful goodies you got from your friend Rose!!!
    Your quilt is looking fabulous ~ can't wait to see it all finished up!!!
    Prayers and thoughts going your way.
    Prim Blessings


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