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Monday, April 2, 2012

Good Bye My Love

Good bye my love.  I write this with a broken heart and sadness, but also at peace.  I hope you find the happiness you are looking for that I couldn't provide.  I know your family will be around you to help you through this as they are a big part of your life.  You made me see things I needed to change in MY life and I thank you.  I will still work to change those things even though you won't be here to see it. You will always have a very special place in my heart and I will always have a special love for you.  After all, 3 years is a very long time to not be able to let go. We laughed, I cried, you were by my side through the good and bad times.  I'm very sorry it had to end like this.  I do understand and I am not angry with you.  Like I said, I'm glad you made a decision.  It wasn't the one I had hoped for, but now we can move on in our life's journeys.  Take care of you my friend. I will miss you.


  1. Hugs ((((Mary))))

    Carmen and the Primcats

  2. Oh Mary, My heart aches for you. I was hoping things were getting better for you both. You never know if you were meant to be together then nothing will keep you apart. The future is unwritten for you both so I hope you find each other again someday. Big hugs and blessings, ♥Theresa

  3. Thinking of you dear Mary.
    Sending hugz and blessings.

  4. Mary, I'm sorry but it does sound like you are heading in the right direction.
    Bless you and Steve....and I pray you both are happy in the future with this decision.

  5. Mary , tears runnin down my cheeks I so feel for you as I too am wearing those shoes ! No words can heal those wounds only time ! Im here if you need to talk or a (( hug)) Make the best of each day for tomorrow is a new one ! hugs lil raggedy angie

  6. Mary, I'm so sorry. I'll be thinking of you.

  7. Oh my.... so sorry to hear this.... Stay strong, Mary.... sending my best wishes to you, along with a big hug!

  8. Miss Mary, So sorry to hear read this this morning. Prayers for you, and hopes for a healed heart.

  9. Mary~ my prayers to comfort you~
    Big hug to you~

  10. Mary~ Such sad news but you are right better to be able to move forward then stay stuck in limbo.Hugs & Prayers!~Amy

  11. So Sorry to hear this Mary! My Prayers are with you!!!! Take care!

  12. Sending Hugs your way and wishing for peace and comfort for your broken heart. :-(

  13. Oh Mary I am so very sorry, I was so hoping you were working things out together, I pray you continue to feel peace in your heart thru this journey. God Bless you my friend.<3

  14. Oh Mary - I've been MIA for a bit and come back to catch up with you, and can't believe the words I'm reading (and yes, I went back and read the "rest of the story.") I am so very sorry....Whether it is for the best or not, it still has to rip you apart - I pray for healing, understanding, and acceptance. Send you huge, huge, hugs my friend....Robin

  15. Mary, I am so sorry. I hope you find comfort soon. Hugs, Eve

  16. Mary, Everything is perfect and in divine order ... maybe not our order but in his. God's peace.

  17. So sorry to hear the news..Thinking of you today and wishing you nothing but happiness..

  18. I am so sorry Mary. Losing someone is the hardest, even if it's for the best. Thinking of you and hoping that you can put the pieces of your broken heart together agian soon. -Steph-

  19. Sorry Mary. I hope you find much happiness in the future.


  20. So sorry Mary0:(

  21. Mary,
    I am so sorry to hear this. I have been praying for things to work out for you both. You are a strong person and you will get through this. I send you many hugs and prayers.

  22. I'm so sorry. I'm sure this will be hard for your family. Best wishes for the future.

  23. I was so hoping for the best. Who knows this may be best. I know you are broken hearted nothing hurts as bad. I hope in time you meet the right Mr Wonderful.


  24. Sorry to hear such sad news Mary.
    Time heals all wounds. Hopefully your wounds heal quickly.
    Maybe you both just need a break.
    I'll be thinking about you.
    Hang in there.
    Prim Blessings

  25. so sorry to hear this news. i thought things were working out got you. denise

  26. Mary,
    I'm so sorry that you guys couldn't find a mutual path to continue down but as we all know both parties must be willing and accepting warts and all to make things work out. Someday the hurt will heal and you'll be left with the wonderful memories of the time you spent together but until that time, may you find peace and happiness in the little things in life. Take care of yourself!

  27. mary, now listen. get your big girl panties on!!! this is NOT the worst that could happen in your life! you are a strong independent woman. there is going to be a guy who loves you AS IS. he is going to be the kind of guy who has the strength to handle you at your worst monents- to deal with you being stubborn. ;) its going to be okay!!! take a deep breath, you are about to start a new chapter. :)

  28. Prayer lifted for you. May God mend your brocken heart. Blessings!


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