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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thank You and Finished

Thank you everyone for your hugs and prayers.  I really needed them getting through yesterday and this morning.  Lots of crying and no eating going on.  I was home by myself all day until my daughter came home at 8pm.  I, of course, did a lot of thinking and soul searching.  I still believe I am not ready to let go of Steve.  There are some things in his life that just overwhelmed him and I didn't make it any easier and he reacted like me when I asked him to leave.  You just don't know what to do so you lash out at the ones you love.  I am hoping in time when our hearts mend we can at least sit down and figure out where to go from here.  I would rather have him as a friend than nothing at all.  Only time will tell and I believe if we were meant to be together it will happen even if it takes another 3 years to get back to where we were.  Until then I am making changes in my life that need to be made for me.

Since idle hands can get into trouble (meaning I kept wanting to text or call Steve all day yesterday and yes this morning) I decided to finish up my quilt.  I want to thank all of you who suggested to use the spray basting.  The backing of this is the best I've ever done.  It turned out fantastic!  I think I like making smaller quilts better than big ones.  These don't take as long. LOL

So all washed up here it is...

I had to add a little brown to the backing because I was like an inch short and I didn't want to cut my squares down because then it would look funny.  I just LOVE this fabric!

I have another piece of LOVE fabric that I'm eying for the next backing of a quilt. This was a thrift store find too. Just in time for summer don't you think?  I think you all know that I'm thinking Americana quilt.

I apologize for not visiting and answering each of you individually, but every time I talk or think about it I start crying.  My heart is still broken and only time will heal it.  I hope you have a great day.


  1. Hi Mary,
    you did the right thing back keeping your hands busy!
    Look what you how your quilt turned out and I'm thinking Americana with the other fabric too! Can't wait to see what you pair up with this fabric.

    Thinking of you and sending hugz~

  2. Love love love! The backing fabric is awesome. I really need to get back to quilting. I love to make dolls, but quilting is in my blood. You did a fantastic job.

  3. So sorry to hear about you and Steve. Time can do wonders in healing hearts. I am hoping the healing brings you two together again. MEANTIME...that's an AWESOME quilt!! Love the backing, and the next backing fabric SCREAMS americana quilt!! Beautiful work...rely on your friends and your work and things will come back into line for you.--blessings, Jan

  4. I am so sorry Mary, I know where your at, but I am so happy you are looking forward and doing for you, we tend to lose ourselves in our jobs, family and other daily things....I pray you find peace in your heart my friend!!
    I LOVE your quilt it is gorgeous!! And the fabric you have for another is gorgeous, can't wait to see what you come up with!! Take care sweetie!!~hugs~

  5. BIG HUGS coming your way. Just give it a little time and let him miss you. Before you know it he will realize what a good thing you two had together. It's ok to cry. Trust me I do my share.


  6. Mary,
    So sad and it is rough, but times does heal. Keeping busy and changing up your schedule and places you go helps too.
    Hang in there.

  7. Mary, Your quilt turned out great!!! Love the backing colors you chose! Can't wait to see what you come up with the other one ~ yep I'm thinking Americana!!!
    Time heals all wounds.
    Take Care!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Hi, Mary:
    The quilt is beautiful. You worked quickly, too.
    I'm sorry I haven't been around for a couple of weeks, and I missed blogging. I'm sorry to hear that your heart is broken. I pray for it to heal quickly. This is the most difficult thing to go through. When all was said and done, I was glad for the decision I made.

  9. I love how your quilt turned out, it's beautiful! Sorry things didn't turn out the way you wanted, Big hugs!

  10. Your quilt turned out amazing, Mary! I love it!!!! And....oh - that new fabric!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with for it....gorgeous!!! Still here - still thinking of you....Robin

  11. The quilt is beautiful. I know it is hard to keep on working when hurting. You are so right to do just that. I know from reading your blog posts for a long time now that you are a strong gal. At times you have given me the strength to pick myself up & move on. Sending you a hug. Prayer lifted. Blessings!

  12. Stopping by this morning to catch up on your blog...I see that much has happened since you wrote this post, but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this, or went through this. No relationship is perfect or easy, no matter how things look from the outside viewing in. The relationships that last the longest always seem to be the ones that experienced turmoil and conflict...only to come out stronger on the other side. :) You and I are similar in that I see you work through life's struggles with your creativity...we are so lucky to have this outlet for healing. The quilts are beautiful as always, and I'm inspired in so many ways. :)


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.