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Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone!  Seems as though I've been away for a very long time.  Thank you everyone for your well wishes for Steve and me.  We are back together and working very hard to make changes and communicating.  One of the things I'm working on is to start dressing a little more fashionably.  Most times on my days off you'll find me wearing t-shirts, sweatshirts, or jeans.  When I paint and craft this is still what I'm going to wear. lol.  My sister always looks so well put together when I see her, so the one day I was telling her what I was doing and showed her some "new" clothes I bought at the Goodwill.  So, on Saturday she was at the GW and she leaves me a voicemail where she is and said there were a bunch of capri's in my size.  So, I jumped in my car and met her down there.  Long story short... I came home with some great looking clothes that compliment my body type. The ones I had already bought were wrong for my body type.  Oh well, I'm still keeping them :-)  My sister has been reading a book "Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad." by Shari Braendel.  Basically, the book tells you how to dress for your body shape.  I need to camouflage my butt and hip area!!! LOL  I also need to stay away from V neck type shirts because well, I'm not well endowed.  That means I need to find longer more flowing type shirts to draw attention away from my problem areas.  Anyway, I had fun and I think my sister did too because she wants to do it again.  I call it Dress Barbie Day. LOL.

In the meantime, I have been able to get a little crafting in.  I'm really trying to finish up my UFO's. These boxes have been sitting in my crafting hutch for awhile now.  I have a hexagon shape set left to do.  Anyway, enough with the talking... LOL

 I LOVE this red and mustard set!  It is For Sale $30 includes shipping.

The black and mustard set is already SOLD, but I really like this one too.

My Americana Boxes I painted. $30.00 includes shipping.

In progress:

I have this towel rack in the works.  It too will be for sale when I finish it.

A scoop I started and will be for sale too.

I also have a few more Amish clothing pieces I came across.

This actually a seafoam green Amish onesie.  $7.00 includes shipping.

A 5 year old size Amish little boys outfit. $10.00 includes shipping.

This is actually peach crepe Amish children's dress.  $7.00 includes shipping.

I also have this beautiful blanket for sale. Excellent condition. $17.00 includes shipping.

Well, today I must do my mountain of laundry.  This means I will be in my workshop creating and painting since the washer and dryer are right there.  It's suppose to rain, so I won't feel bad if I stay in all day.  I also had a request from a Facebook friend to make her a quilted table runner, so I need to start thinking on a design for that also.  I'm going to keep busy today as tomorrow is my day in court for my bankruptcy.  I excited and anxious all at the same time.  I know it will be painless, but I just hate going to court proceedings for anything.  Ugghhh.

I will see you all in a few days :-)


  1. Hi Mary...CONGRATULATIONS....I love it when I hear that couples are TRYING...this says so much.
    Bless you for working on the clothing thing. It's not always easy is it...i too suffer from more Butt and upper legs than I want - not fun.

    Love your new boxes...that is next on my list. Have about 40 boxes that need work. Wish I had some of those stencils...they're beautiful.


  2. So happy to hear you are working things out and I wish you both the best. I understand what you mean about wanting to dress better...I have been working on this myself. Staying home I tend to get into a rut - tshirts, jeans, lots of sweatshirts! Nobody sees me much after all right? I have been trying to put on makeup when I do leave the house, even if it's just to get groceries. Not all the time, but I'm working on it. My problem is that I would much rather spend my free time crafting or sewing than putting on makeup and doing my hair! :)

  3. Good morning Mary!It made my heart smile to read that you are back together and trying to work through the problems.Love the boxes you painted.I hear you on the dressing better part,I am working on that myself.It is just so much easier to throw on a tee shirt and jeans.Will be praying for you both.Hugs,Jen

  4. Hi Mary, so good to hear couples working things out...marriage is so hard, isn't i? Gracious.
    Thanks to Google Alerts, I heard about your blog since it mentioned my book so I thought I'd pop over and read what you had to say! You might be interested in joining me and a bunch of other women on the Fashion Meets Faith facebook page as I'm walking everyone thru a 30 day Challenge called Frumpy to Fabulous! It's free and fun and will help you with your wardrobe and image...would love to have you there....Blessings,Shari

  5. Hey, I am just barely climbling out of the mountain of laundry I created last Friday!!! Good luck with yours. Congrats on getting back together. I hope you have so much fun discovering the joy of getting dressed up again. -Steph-

  6. Mary, I think so many of us fall into fashionless ruts at certain times in our lives. I made a decision last year to wear pj or nice gowns to bed because I realized all I ever wore was his tshirts so not real sexy especially after 25 years, huh? Now I need to work on my at home attire because like most of us gals of a certain age, I need to draw attention away from my hips and thighs but I'm also very large chested so that creates other issues. Dang being a woman isn't easy!

  7. Hello Dear Mary,
    so good to read the update on you and Steve. Have been thinking of you and glad to know you're still working at the relationship.
    That book sounds interesting. I may need to pick it up as I know I need a make over. I dress the same since I don't work away from home anymore and always creating some kind of mess while crafting. Plus, I'm not a "high-maintenance" chick like some gals around here. Simple and comfortable suits me ;-) but I'm sure my hubs would appreciated the change too.
    If the red/mustard boxes are still available, would you let me know? I shouldn't buy anything, but I really like them!!!!
    Wishing you a sunshine filled day~

  8. I Love it!! My sister and I have the same conversations only we live states away but do shop over the phone talking about what great finds we got and anything out there that can help us look better in clothes. Spanx really do work I bought one just to see what all the hype was about. So glad you and your husband are doing better and can't wait to here what great finds you come across.

  9. Hi, Mary:
    I'm so happy that you and Steve are happy together again. I'm a big believer in working things out.
    Your painted boxes are beautiful. The red and mustard look like antiques.
    I'll be thinking of you about court. I've been there and it is painless but it is something really hard to get through. Good Luck.

  10. So wonderful you & Steve are together working things out. My best wishes for you both. Shopping with your sister sounds fun. The stacking box sets are beautiful. I have looked for stencils to do my walls but never seen any as perfect as your designs. Blessings!


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