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Thursday, April 19, 2012

My New Needle Case

I haven't been working on much recently, but I have today through Sunday off to get busy.  I have a great idea for a new stitchery, but I still need to start my table runner for a friend.  I should definitely work on hers first.  I may chart my new design just not stitch it yet. Anyway, on to what I have done.

If you'll remember awhile back I stitched up this cute little stitchery and couldn't decide how I wanted to finish it. 

Well, I finally decided it was time to get it done. So.... this is my new needle case.

Inside... the perfect fit... I can also slide some small scissors in the pocket too.

So now I really need to get busy stitching so I can try it out. LOL.

My day in court went well on Tuesday.  The trustee let me keep my tax refund, my parents don't have to pay back the money I paid them, and I get to keep my car and of course all my debts were discharged.  I got to sit in on some other people's cases before mine and found out the trustee was very nice to single Mother's and lucky for me I just happen to be one. LOL. I'm so glad this is all over.  Now I can move on and look to the future. :-) 

I will try to be back within the next few days with any progress I make crafting.  Until then have a great day!


  1. I like what I see...I like that you can keep the color of DMC or threads in the pocket at hand and not in a huge box or sitting out loose.
    Great idea and it's really beautiful.

  2. Congrats on getting your case done. I am glad for the things you get to keep. I think your needle case turned out very nice. Gret job. -Steph-

  3. I LIKE it!!! Very much. I think I will re-do my peacock into this type of finish. Thank you!!

  4. Great finish. Thzanks for sharing great idea.

  5. I love the needle case idea!! It looks beautiful!! So glad your court appearance is all settled and you can look forward to your future.

  6. I love the needle case idea!! It looks beautiful!! So glad your court appearance is all settled and you can look forward to your future.

  7. I'm so glad things went well for you on Tuesday.
    Now you can put that behind you.
    On a happier note, the needlecase came out beautifully.

  8. I am so glad things worked out in court. Now that needle keep is great. Blessings!


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