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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quilt Runner Progress

Well here it is Saturday night and I'm posting.  I know don't have a heart attack because I don't normally post on the weekends.  I promised I'd show you the progress I made on the quilt runner for a customer/friend.  She told me she wanted something civil war-ish.  I'm not quite sure this is civil war-ish, but I was thinking they might have used odds and ends of fabric from clothing, blankets, or whatever they could find.  Then I thought the blocks should be simple nothing fancy.  The only thing she requested was when it was done she wanted it stained dark.  Otherwise she gave me free reign on colors and design.  So, I think all of these fabrics will look awesome darkened up.  I still need to put the borders on tomorrow though.

You should see my workshop after this baby. LOL.  I have fabric everywhere!!!! It helps me visualize when I have everything laid out to see what colors work and what doesn't. 

I had a little retail therapy today at Goodwill and the flea market.  This of course was Steve's suggestion not mine! LOL.  I can't turn down a trip to either one you all know that.  Though after today, I better get busy crafting to pay for what I bought.  I'll take pictures and share on Tuesday.  I'm so excited!!!!  Let's just say I think there will be another make-do chair in my future ;-)  That is if Steve can find time and if he brings his tools back.  Well, I better get moving just thought I'd pop in and share.


  1. I love when those trips to the second hand store turn out to be fantastic!! Love the colors in your runner can't wait to see it all finished up!!

  2. Hi Mary,
    the table runner is looking great! Glad you had a fun time at Goodwill. Can't wait to see what you found!
    Have a great week.


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