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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Finish and New Finds

Good morning everyone!!! :-)  How is everyone today?  I will settle for OK or good it is Tuesday, right.  LOL.  I'm happy to report I finished up my special order quilted table runner.  Once I got started it was hard for me to put down.  So, as of this morning it looked like this... all washed up and no place to go...

UNTIL....... it is now swimming in my secret sauce (yeah instant coffee and water lol) for awhile trying to appear old and aged... Next stop the clothes line for that oh so tropical tan.

Now that Steve and I are working on things and spending some much needed time alone together HE suggested a trip to the Goodwill and the flea market.  You all know I couldn't say no.  I know, I know, I keep complaining I have too much stuff and I do.  But it's the thrill of the hunt!!!!  I do have to admit I have been thinking about pairing down my collections.  I have to decide which ones I want the most.  I just don't have room for all of them.  This subject is a whole other post. LOL.  I'm finding though I'm being a lot more picky in what I buy.  That's a good thing so I don't end up with stuff I don't redo or resell. :-/

Anyway, for those who are friends with me on Facebook remember this item from the Goodwill.  Nothing like taking a picture with your phone and sending it to Facebook to ask what it is before you buy it. LOL I LOVED it because it reminded me of redware.  It is actually a Middle Eastern and Turkish cooking pot called a tagine.  I'm seriously not that smart to know that my Facebook friends told me :-) It isn't this bright my stupid flash washes everything out.  It is really a deep terra cotta color.

Then we ventured out to the flea market where my booth is.  I haven't been out there for awhile.  I know shame on me.  I need to get busy and make new things for out there.  Anyway... I found some awesome things recently. 

It's a little dirty and there is no light bulb in it yet, but for both the shade and light $12.  It's hard to see but there is a candle snuffer hanging off the side.

I have always wanted a tricorn hat!  It fits in with the colonial theme so well.  I LOVE the greyish muted braided mat too.

No explanation needed on this one. LOL.  The only thing I can say is I will be getting a new make do chair made :-) I will have you know I went out to the garage to take these next two pictures and I wasn't alone.  While I was out there I heard a rustling in a plastic bag I had out there.  What it is I don't know.  I didn't stick around long enough to find out!!! I hurried up took my picture turned out the lights and came (OK ran) inside. LOL.

Lastly, I found this baby!!!!  I know what you're thinking.... What in the world???? Really???? Who would want that piece of junk??? MEEEEEEEE!!!!!  I see a textile hanger OR a herb drying rack.  LOVE the patina on it.

I have a few other things I gotten recently and just not shown you.  I have no idea why.  Anyway, another flea market find.  I need to darken them up a little.

I actually bought this before my tricorn hat.  What you can't see is there is some staining on the flag.  Awesome I know!!! I can't wait to use it to decorate this summer. :-) a thrift store find for $2.

Then last but not least this darling little Amish bonnet.

Close up shows little hearts embroidered along the brim.  I tried to mark around a few of the hearts because they are very hard to see.

I think that's it for the time being. LOL.  I have dinner in the crockpot,  have a hair appointment this afternoon FINALLY, and my son's soccer practice later.  Then some me time.  I painted my nails on Saturday and wouldn't you know it they chipped all ready.  So, I guess I get to redo them.  Have a great day everyone!!!!


  1. wow you found a lot of goodies. Love the lamp. BTW whoever ordered the runner should be pleased.

  2. Great finds!! Isn't the new technical world great!? You can send photos and have an answer back pronto! Can't wait to see the runner after it dries--it's beautiful BEFORE the stain--primmer after!! Usually I don't have ANY nails, but they are growing out--but they will break and chip quickly because of working with wood. Bummer! :( have a great day!--Jan

  3. The runner is just lovely!! You did a great job with it.... I know the finishing touch of your special sauce will be perfect, and I'm sure the buyer will absolutely love it!

    You got some fabulous goodies on your travels! The little lamp is my favorite. Enjoy the day!

  4. Wow, Mary you sure found some great treasures on your outing with Steve. The table runner is looking really great, can't wait to see it when it comes out of it's "special sauce" mix!
    I'm with you, I wouldn't have stuck around in the garage to see what was in the bag either! Not so sure I'd have even taken the pictures before high tailing it out!!!

    Have a great day!
    hugz and blessings,

  5. Great finds is especially fun when the hubby comes along!! You got some great new things...especially love the flag and herb drying rack!! Enjoy your day, Tina

  6. What a bunch of great finds..
    As for your nails..I use
    "out the door" topcoat..It is a bit pricey but my polish last for a good 7-10 days..Have a great day..

  7. I love, love the table runner and can't wait to see it dried. Your "herb drying" rack is just the sort of thing I'd be grabbing as well.

  8. Your runner came out perfect!! Loved all your finds!!

  9. What wonderful finds Mary!!I Will you show is the runner after it's done taking a swim? I would love to see it. I also think you need to put on your new hat and pose for us:) -Steph-

  10. Beautiful quilt...I see you use the same secret grunging recipe as I

    What fantastic finds...and the flag...wonderful price.

    What a deal for the lamp...the pierced lamp shade alone sells for something like $24.00 - I have one on one of my little lamps exactly like it.

    Beautiful bonnet.



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