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Thursday, April 26, 2012


I thought I would start out by showing you the table runner all stained up and old looking.  I think it turned out fantastic!   The customer LOVES it :-) Shew!!!!! LOL. 

I still have some coffee stain left and I have some things I'd like to stain like my last cross stitch sampler I finished and this other quilt I made awhile back, but it looks like rain outside so I wouldn't be able to hang them outside to dry.  I guess they'll have to wait for another day.

I thought today would be a good day to show some of my collections because I have been thinking a lot recently of stripping my living room and dining room and starting over decorating it.  I'm not changing my style just simplifying.   I need to decide which collections I want to keep and others that I can let go.  It won't be an easy process since I really do LOVE all my "stuff."  Anyway, I looked up the word collecting today and this is what I found.  Wikipedia explains it as... "The hobby of collecting includes seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloging, displaying, storing, and maintaining whatever items are of interest to the individual collector.  The items collectors collect may be antique, or simply collectible. Antiques are collectible items at least 100 years old; collectibles are less than antique, and may even be new. Collectors and dealers may use the word vintage to describe older collectibles. Most collectibles are man-made commercial items."  Yep that about explains my "collectibles."  I think my "collecting" may have gotten out of control though. LOL. 

So, let's have a sneak peak at SOME of my collections...




Crocks, jars, and candles, wood bobbins and Indian corn lol...

coverlets and I still have more elsewhere around the house....


Cheeseboxes, grain measures, and just plain wood boxes... ignore the mess in the background lol.

And of course my bowls (have tons of these elsewhere even some more to paint up like these) and cookie cutters...  the bowls with the tarts are going bye bye I forgot to move them for the picture. lol

wood spoons and mashers...

and of course my samplers...

Gameboards... (which I think will be one of the eliminations unless I decide to move them to the wall going upstairs, but I'm really thinking about selling them.  Make me an offer I can't refuse and they could be yours.)

ughhh... I didn't realize I had so many  collections....  I'm sure there are others I have missed, but this is a start.  This is not going to be an easy task to purge, but I keep finding myself  running out of time to dust, clean, and care for everything.  Let's just hope my hoarder tendency doesn't kick into high gear and I find myself not able to let go.  I will be selling a lot of my stuff not only in the booth, but on here I just need to get a scale so that I can quote actual shipping for those who want to buy.  If any of you who read this ship items and have a scale can you let me know what kind and where you got yours.  I looked at some at Staples, but they look expensive.

So, I guess what I will be doing is taking everything down, cleaning, and rearranging today unless I talk myself out of it since this is my weekend to work.  I wonder if Steve would be up to painting again too... shhhh don't tell him I said that yet. lol.  If I decide to eliminate some things on the walls we'll have to patch holes and repaint right?  teehee If I don't get done today it will all just sit around until my next day off, which will drive me crazy!!!! So I may wait until next week to dig in.  It is time for me decorate for summer so now is as good time as any to go through and get rid of. 

Have a great weekend!!!! I'll see you next week with progress or an excuse :-)


  1. Oh Mary... I love your collections. But I often feel the same about mine. It's over whelming to keep up with it all. Have fun if you decide to tear it all apart!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  2. Love all your beautiful collections!! its less up keep when you down size not so much dusting thats for sure!!

  3. Good morning Mary~
    The table runner turned out beautiful. Love all the colors and especially the black trim!
    Good luck "simplifying" your collections! I always think I'm going to scale down, only to end up holding onto things. Gave up! lol
    I was looking at scales this morning on the USPS site. The up to 5 lb scale was $29.99 and the up to 10 lb was $39.99 as I need one if business picks up. I haven't checked out Staples or other office supply places yet.

    Good luck,
    take care-

  4. Hi really do have some amazing collections. A year ago I did some down-scaling myself, so I had a HUGE garage sale and sold boxes and boxes and boxes of felt so GOOD to get rid of it all!! Your runner and new sampler look great...esp love the sampler with the grazing sheep!! Enjoy your day, Tina

  5. You did a great job on the runner... I can see why the buyer is so happy! Great colors, and the black border is perfect.

    I'm going through the same thing as you..... trying to decide what things I can live without, as we are down-sizing our home and there just is not enough room for it all! It is not as easy as it sounds!! Good luck!!

  6. What great collections. I can see why you would have a hard time thining things out. I love the pewter the most though. I hate painting and patching. Let's hope someone else will do it for you:) The table runner turned out awesome. Good job. -Steph-

  7. I love all of your collections. It have seen a lot of prim'country blogs talking about downsizing lately. Must be time for Spring cleaning. Have a great day!

  8. Mary - A girl after my own heart - love all of your collections! Are you going to post your sale on FB or your blog - I follow both and wouldn't miss it!



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