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Monday, April 30, 2012

Progress or Excuse???

I'm betting you are visiting me today to find out if I started redecorating or not.  We had this conversation in my last post and I'm happy to report I have made progress.  I'm not done yet, but I'm getting there in the living room.  If you are one of my friends on Facebook you may have already seen some of thee pictures, however, you haven't seen them all.  :-)  I thought I take some this morning before I jump back in and do some more.  I'm not going to lie and say my hoarder tendencies didn't take over, because that would be a lie.  LOL.  They did, but I fought off the urge to over decorate.  I know this isn't real simple, but it's less than what I had.  So let's take a walk through the living room.  I took a few random pictures for now.  I will do the entire room when I'm done...


Ignore the cord and my shoes in the above picture.  I forgot to move them. LOL.

Remember the 3 boxes above are still for sale :-)

Did you notice I took down all my stitcheries?  I'm still using them just broke them up. :-)  I think I want to have a wool rug either hooked or penny style with a black horse on an olive green background below the shelf. 

I'm still working on the table below with the fish on it. LOL. 

I still have a lot to do because I now have empty spaces on my walls like where my gameboards were and above the TV.  I'm still working on that.  I'm slowly getting together my sell pile, but I can tell you there will be a lot when I'm done.  I also went and bought a postal scale so I can quote shipping a little better without running to the post office all the time.  

Thanks for visiting :-)  I'm hoping more pics to come soon.


  1. Looks like you have been working real hard!! Everything looks beautiful!!

  2. As always Mary, your "tweaking" sprees are inspiring!
    Hope you have a wonderful week my friend~

  3. I love loking at your blog, it inspires me to get off my big butt and clean my house and decorate a little myself. Hubbs and I visited Gettysburg last spring (in all that rain) and I loved it there. I envy you living there, its so pretty and your home is just beautiful. Have a wonderful day and keep those pretty pictures coming!

  4. Everything looks great! Isn't it funny how you don't notice something when taking a picture until you put it on the computer and then you see, cords, shoes or whatever. I've done that lots of times.

  5. Wow Mary, I just love all the stuff in your home and your decorating is awesome!!



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