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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Checking In

Just a quick post to let you know I'm still alive. LOL.  I worked most of the weekend then spent yesterday with Steve.  It was the first day in quite awhile that was just us.  So I took full advantage of it.  OK I snuck away and charted my American Eagle cross stitch chart while he napped.  Then we had a small picnic with my parents last evening and celebrated my Mom's birthday.  Since I haven't talked to you in awhile I started a new design.  I'm not sure where this one will go, but so far I really like it.  I have also made the decision after some friendly nudging to sell it when it's done.  Yes, you heard me I'm going to start selling some of my stitcheries.  I will also be making this chart available when it's finished also.  I had a request today from a Facebook friend to please make it available even though it's not done yet.  I had already started to chart it so that if I ever decide to stitch it again I would have it.  So, easy peasy to make it into a pattern.

So far this is what it looks like...

I finally got my free motion quilting foot for my sewing machine too.  I've been playing with that and am having an awful time with my tension. grrrr.... So, I may just do straight lines on my Americana quilt until I get this figured out.  My quilt has been sitting on my sewing table and it's driving me crazy.  As if I wasn't already there. lol.  I need to finish it up.

My daughter was done with school last Friday and my son is done this Thursday.  It's still mind blowing that my daughter will be a senior.  Where did time go? I'm now thinking about senior pictures, graduation announcements, prom, and graduation party.... uuuggghhh.  My son will be in 8th grade and turning thirteen so at least I'll have a little reprieve before he graduates.  However, I'm realizing he's not my little boy anymore.  :' (  He's becoming a "man."  Boy do I hate puberty!!!!! lol. 

I will check in later this week as I work again tomorrow then off for 4 days.  Then maybe I'll have some fun stuff to share other than my $.99 Longaberger basket I found at Goodwill!  You heard me right! It was the deal of the week. :-)


  1. Very nice Mary! Make sure your pressure foot lever is down.. I'm sure it is but I find sometimes I forget. Great job!

  2. What a great design Mary!! I love the waves on the ocean. I wanted to say thanks again for the molds you sent. I think they are so pretty displayed when not in use. You are so nice to think of me. Having a Senior would seriously scare me. Mine are just going to be in 2nd and 3 rd grades and that is bad enough. I have no boys so that is all uncharted ground for me, but I bet it's a real learning experience!!! Teenage boys.....hum. I bet it's fun though. Have fun on your 4 days off.

  3. 99 cents! You have got to be kidding me! I thought when I found a 3 piece set for $3.00 I was lucky, but 99 cents! Unbelievable find. Post a picture!!
    Blessings, Anita

  4. oh no, the tension!!I had it screwed up so bad, I bought a new machine, that adjusts the lower tension automatically.So now all I have to do is the upper, and that is easy. lol, but it may be other things, a bent needle can give the look of off tension too. It may not even look bent at all, This happens when doing a lot of sewing through thick fabrics. Using the wrong size of bobbin, can also make the tension crazy. Even of the bobbin is off by 1 mm, it can do it. Sewing through thick fabrics with the wrong kind of needle, too.

  5. What a beautiful stitchery glad you are going to be doing them to sell - good for you!
    Looking back on when our boys were in school it did fly by so quickly - now they have children who are are graduated !!! Hang on to those years.

  6. Hi Mary~

    Love your stitchery!! I love cross stitch, but don't have the patience to do them myself. Glad to hear you've decided to sell some of your finishes. Looking forward to seeing what you'll be offering.

    My youngest son will be a senior too next year. It's amazing how the years seem to fly by.

    Glad to hear you & Steve got to spend some alone time together.

    Have a wonderful night~Becky

  7. Love your new stitchery - beautiful design. Senior year is such a busy time - enjoy it as much as you can.


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