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Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy Friday!!!!

Hello my friends :-) !!!!  Today is the first day of Summer Break for both of my kids, and I was the mean Mother who made them go to the dentist this morning bright and early 8am.  teehee... Don't feel bad for them because I made it up to them with a trip to Goodwill (OK that was more for me) and a huge brunch when we got home.  I also told them that they'd have the rest of the day to do whatever they wanted after their appointments.  The bad thing is it's raining.  I came home and finished up a swap I am doing with a Facebook friend.  I can't show pictures until she gets her package.  The theme was Americana.  I am really excited about one of the items she will be getting. ;-)

Yesterday I was hoping to get more done than I did.  I spent the day doing "research" on the computer.  Yeah, that's what it was.  I found a wonderful out of print book I wanted and spent most of the day tracking one down.  

Doesn't this book look intriguing my stitcher friends? I finally found one on Amazon.  I'm not happy with how much I paid, but there weren't any on Ebay and none of my Facebook friends had any.  I still can't wait to get it!  I saw it on a blog post from someone a few years ago as I was looking for some inspiration for some new pattern ideas.  I may just need some elf stitchers with all the ideas I've been getting recently.

As promised I wanted to show you my $.99 1984 Longaberger basket. As you can see the handle has been mashed, a couple chipped splints, but it's still usable.  I just put some of my Feed N Wax on it and the patina got even more beautiful. That's my lunch box in the background. LOL.

Hey ya Mary what's in your basket? I heard someone ask in blogland.  Well, that was my find today at Goodwill.  Wood fruit.  They really aren't that bright.  They reminded me of stone fruit.  What I really need is a wood compote to put them in.  But for now they will sit in my basket. :-)

I also found this wonderful treasure...

I'm still debating whether to paint it (black of course) or just touch up the stain.  I do know I have to give it a bath in Murphy's soap because this must've been near a kitchen as it is greasy in places. ewwwwww.... I think I'm going to put it in my living room above my couch. in place of the strainer where I wanted a hooked rug or penny rug.

Then I found these 100% black wool skirts that I'm going to cut up for wool hooking or penny rugs.  I rarely come across this kind of stuff so I bought both.

Well, I need to go and get some things priced for the booth.  I am doing a major renovation this weekend as a big display piece sold and a few smaller display pieces sold.  I need to decide what I want to get rid of or move around here at the homestead to get pieces out there.  I may take my storage buffet in my craft room out there for awhile. Only time will tell.

I'm at a stand still on my cross stitch for the time being as I can't decide how to proceed.  I just have too many ideas and can't decide on just one! lol

I will be sure to take pictures of the booth as it gets a face lift :-)


  1. Hi, how sweet of your to reward your kids with a trip to Goodwill...hehehe, and what great goodies you found! Of course, the horse is my favorite, but the basket, fruit and wool are great too. That is indeed a wonderful cross stitch book that you found, I have it and use it frequently. Back in the days I always bought every single sampler book that came out, and seeing today's prices for these oop books, I'm glad I did.

  2. It looks like a neat book! I think you should make that horse look like a weather vane. Make an arrow out of wood and somehow marry them together. Great finds! But you always do find cool stuff! My youngest won't be done until next week. He will go to summer school though, so I guess, we're both mean! LOL! Not really, I want him to retain things.
    Have a good weekend.

  3. Hi. What a cool score at the Good Will!!!! I just found out about you from your next door neighbor and my friend Robin. :) <3 I must say I can't wait to go see your booth. I usually just visit the front part. I will def. make it there soon. :) I just love your blog and I feel my heartbeat faster when I see the photos. I am a stitcher,and love all things Colonial/Prim. I know your son as I work at the Middle School as an Intervention Aide for 5th Grade. I know I've seen him in the halls and of course out at recess last year too. I can't wait to meet you some day soon. Thanks for what you do. Julie


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