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Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Newest Adventure

As you all know I'm trying to sell off and get rid of my stuff I'm not decorating with anymore.  Well, you knew it wouldn't be too long until I began buying again. lol.  I just can't help it when things are fabulous prices and you just can't pass them up.  I guess it just means I better get to cleaning out some more stuff. :-)  Anyway, since this is my last week of no kids, on my 4 day stretches off, I decided to hit up the flea market and thrift store.  I will tell you this ahead of time that I spent about $40.00 total on everything.  So, now that your mind is racing shall we begin? lol...

First stop the flea market.  Not only to pick up our sale money from the booth, but for me to look around.  I purposely did not take my purse in so as to deter myself from buying.  Ummmm yeah that didn't work!  Of course today I would find this great stuff.

The box up in the upper left corner is a grey color and it is just like the cheese box (upper right) only bigger.

LOVE the red box!  I think I'll just leave it closed and stack stuff on top of it.

After that I decided to go to my favorite thrift store to see if they had any great fabric I couldn't live without.  I only found 2 fat quarters :-/  Poor me.... what ever will I do? lol  Since I was there I thought I'd just take a quick glance around not that I was interested in anything else.  Well lo and behold I found the PERFECT candle stand/plant stand I've been wanting for $3.50!!!!!  It is a beautiful walnut color.  It does have a chunk taken out of the back of the spindle part, but you don't see it if I turn it this way.  I snagged it and was carrying it around when the nicest older gentleman came out carrying my new prim drying rack or quilt top holder....  I had another one I bought that was wood and plastic that would keep being blown over in the wind when it finally broke.  It was so cheap where this one is solid wood.

As if you're not jealous yet... for my stitchers out there I found a piece of linen 25 count and all this beautiful glorious floss.  The floss is no cheaper at the thrift store but all the money goes to a church mission.  So I'd rather buy it there. :-)

Last but not least.... some early 80's Early American Life to drool page by page over.... of course this is done in my spare time. LOL.  I have so much to do on my list I may never get to look at them. :-)

I finally have some more boxes and will be shipping soon.  I've been waiting and asking Steve to make some boxes and I'm tired of waiting.  He's been super busy at work.   So if you have paid for your goodies I will let you know when they ship I apologize for not shipping sooner. 

I better get busy around here packing boxes and unpacking boxes in the basement and garage.  Who knows I may get some more things ready to sell.  I will let you know :-)


  1. Wow, you scored big time!!!

    Especially like the boxes. I am a box and basket nut. lol

    Enjoy, Janie

  2. I don't know which goodie I like the best!! Great candlestand, wonderful boxes (i'm partial to boxes--just ask Al!) but those magazines would entertain me for hours!! Love it all!--Jan

  3. What great finds..I love the table you found..Have a wonderful weekend..

  4. What great finds Mary. The boxes would catch my eye too. If I had left my purse in the car, I would be running back as fast as I could to get it. I love boxes. I wish I had room in my home for lovely prim pieces like your candle stand. I am pretty sure a man drew the designs for the house as there are no big wall spaces for pieces. All my walls are broken up by windows. Oh, I get lots of sun in here, just no furniture:)
    The floss is a great too. I have so much floss. I don't even use it much. I just like to look at how pretty it is.
    Have a great weekend reading your new magazines.


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