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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Project Progress

I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday.  We didn't do anything since I worked a 12 hour shift.  I was also still exhausted from my shift on Friday night then my cousin, who I haven't seen in 16 years, came to visit Saturday night and stayed late.  I think I'm still recouping from lack of sleep. lol.  My cousin was in town because of my uncle.  He's still hanging on, but today they will more than likely put him in Palliative care at the hospital.  His liver is not working and his kidney's are barely working so he is filling up with fluid.  He gained around 30 lbs in a few days.

I haven't done much of anything fun except work on my projects I started last week.  I took Anita's (Betsy's Basket Blog) advice and went neutral.  Anyone want to quilt it for me? lol  I still can't figure out how to free motion quilt on my sewing machine. grrrrr.... I've tried and tried and tried.  I'm tired of doing straight lines an want to do something different.  I think I need a darning foot, but I'm not sure because I have a foot to use when I'm darning fabric.  I've tried it dropped my feed dogs and still it doesn't work.  I've watched a ton of instructional videos, and they make it look so easy.  lol.... 

I also made a little progress on my stitching since I worked this weekend.  I'm using one of my free patterns I printed off last week. Like I say I know how I want it to look and I have ideas I just have to figure out how I want to incorporate them.  The other day on Facebook I asked for opinions as to whether people liked "In God We Trust" or "One Nation Under God."  One of those saying will be incorporated somehow in this stitchery.

I had a little scare yesterday as my eye was starting to hurt again.  However, I woke this morning to a sty.  yyiippee!!!  I'm excited over having a sty and not that uveitis stuff I had a few months back. I know I'm strange. lol.  Today I have a ton of errands to do and then tonight my daughter has an awards banquet at school for her Interactive Media class at the career center.  She says she only has 2 weeks left of school.  WOW! Where did time go?  Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful day :-)


  1. Hi Mary! The quilt looks awesome! I really love how the background fabric made the other pieces "pop." And the cross stitch eagle is really coming along nicely, can not wait to see the finished product. Glad to hear you have a sty (that sounds awful!) However, it's better then the alternative. Have a great week. Blessings, Anita

  2. Mary, I like the fabric you chose for the sashing of your quilt. I agree completely with you about watching the videos and then trying to do the machine quilting yourself. They make it look so easy. I have found that I need to use more expensive thread with my Singer to get things to work. I also need to fiddle with the tension quite a bit. I did purchase a special foot and I also cover my feed dogs. ~Ann

  3. It looks so good!! I really love your eagle!!

  4. Your quilt looks great..The stitchery you are doing is coming along wonderfully..Can't wait to see it finished..Have a wonderful week..

  5. Beautiful work! I was at some other blog and of course the word 'Gettysburg' caught my eye because I LOVE that place! So now I'm your newest follower. I hope you'll follow me back? I'll have to post sometime about the little soldier outfits I made for our boys before we all visited Gettysburg. :-)


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