My Pages

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Update Tonight AND A New Project

The update on my selling blog is ready to go for tonight.  Remember the post will not be able to be seen until tonight at 8:00 PM Eastern. (Hopefully Blogger will cooperate this time) This is the last selling post for a week or two while I go through more things.  There is a lot more, but I just want to work on other projects for a week or so.  My attention span is very short when it comes to cleaning out. LOL.  Anyway, make sure you visit me tonight for some more prim needfuls.  FYI I will NOT be able to ship any orders until Monday of next week.  The only day I have off is Saturday to which I will be packing orders to mail on Monday.  Thanks for understanding :-)

The Gettysburg Mercantile

click on the name above to be taken there :-)

I have started 2 new projects since yesterday.  Yes two. LOL.  One I can work on at home and one to take to work.  The first is the quilt I showed you the block for yesterday.  I got all the blocks done now I'm just deciding how I want to finish it. 

OK here's the block I am using again...

My rendition of what fabrics I already had... Like I said I'm trying to decide how I want to finish it... I want the old prim colonial look.

I like the stripes and I'm considering putting blue star fabric at the corners in between the blocks and rows.

So, for now this is where I am on this... it'll sit for a few days so I can ponder what I want to do.

My second project will be another Gettysburg Homestead original cross stitch design.  This I can take to work to work on since it's easily stopped and started.  I started this yesterday afternoon after looking through my new stitchery book and coming up with an idea :-).  I have an idea how I want it to look, but we'll see if it turns out that way lol.  I'm always changing my mind.

Well, I must get going the kids will be getting home from school and my nephew will be getting off the bus here too.  My uncle is in the hospital not doing very well so my sister went with my parent's to the hospital.  It is just a matter of time before he passes.  He has not been doing very well recently after he fell and broke his ankle a couple weeks ago.  Now his kidney's are shutting down and he is filled with fluid.  So, hopefully it will be soon so that he does not have to suffer.  

I'll talk with you soon and thanks for visiting.


  1. I am guessing your stitchery is that wonderful eagle pattern in your book I like. Sorry to hear about your Uncle. Prayer lifted for you all. I see why you must ponder on finishing the quilt with so many fabric designs to pick from. Your blocks are looking good. Blessings!

  2. Love your blocks. My son was born on 4th of July, I should get going and make him a quilt one of these days.

    Sorry to hear about your Uncle, janie

  3. Hi Mary, From one quilter to another I'm rooting foe the first fabric for setting your blocks. The tan with tiny stars allows the blocks to pop and not take over the quilt. Can"t wait to see it finished.
    Blessings, Anita

  4. liked them all, the first one & the second the best. prayers for your family!

  5. I can't seem to decide either they all look so good!!


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