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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Another Pattern Now Available...

Happy Weekend everyone!!!! I have finally finished my last pattern for awhile.  No worries I'm sure I'll be back at it soon. :-)  I have a few other projects I need to get busy on.  I have a few pattern ideas rolling around, but I've been asked to make a few decorative mice to sell, sooooo... I need to get cracking on a pattern for that. lol

So here it is...

"Life At Sea"

This pattern is available in PDF or hard copy by mail.  PDF downloads allow you to receive your patterns much quicker than regular mail.  The patterns are $7.50 for PDF and $10.00 for a mailed copy which includes shipping.  Patterns include a color photo, chart, and legend. If you purchase a pattern and are having a hard time seeing it please ask for a bigger chart version.  This is of course no extra charge.  I'm happy to help :-) As always please email me to order.  My email address can be found in my side bar.

In case you missed I released two other patterns ("In God We Trust" and "Lizzie Klapp 1825")  a few days ago.  Just scroll down to my last post to take a look!


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.