My Pages

Monday, June 25, 2012


Let's see where should I start?  First, I must apologize to everyone who has been leaving kind comments recently.  I have been a bad blogger and not replied back.  I have let myself get overwhelmed recently with a lot of things.  I'm not back on track, but I'm working on it.  It's no excuse but I just want to say I'm sorry.  Also a big Thank You to all of you who have purchased my newest patterns.  I really appreciate your feedback!!!!

Ok, that being said I had a HUGE weight lifted off of my shoulders today... It finally came.  The final discharge for my bankruptcy.

 Now, to get back on track and rebuild my credit.  My goal is to save for a down payment on a house I can call my own in the next few years.  Though recently I've been thinking... do I really want to buy a house seeing as though I'm closing in on 40 and to think about a 30 year loan.  Uggghhh I don't want to be 70 and still paying on my house.  I'm sure a different car will be in the future before the house, so I need to more than likely get one of those.  Fingers crossed it won't be soon.  My car is doing just fine knock on wood. 

I also wanted to show you the final pictures for now of newest decorating I showed you awhile back. The original post was here.  I only made a few changes, but I like it for now.

 I hung one of my stitcheries on the cupboard door.  This was a huge first for me.  Putting holes in it. lol

 I added one of my wax eagles to the sifter.

 The picture under the shelf was a flea market find for $6.00!!!!!!

Added one of Steve's candle shelves instead of the candle on a pan.

Saturday we had a graduation party to attend and I finally talked Steve into leaving early and taking me to some antiques stores that are along the way.  I haven't been to these stores in a very long time.  I found this next treasure at the Seville Antique store.  Let me tell you this IS the best store for early American antiques.  Anyway, I found this HUGE bowl that's about 18" across and 5 inches deep.  It still has the old patina and has been untouched.  I just LOVE the cracks!!!!  I got this at a very good price!!!!  Now I will be selling some of my repro bowls soon.  I've decided to slowly change over to real wood bowls and every time I buy one I have to sell 2 repros.

The next treasure was from my Mom.  This shelf was made by my Grandpa for my Grandma.  I'm not sure when he made it because I remember my Grandpa being mostly blind for a lot of my life.  I just LOVE it, but I'm still trying to decide where to put it.

I work the next 2 days and will be off for Thursday through Sunday.  I have some crafting to do, but I'm also meeting up with Rhonda from My Glory Stars as she finished my barter goodie.  I can't wait to get it!!!!  I will be in the Ashland Ohio area to get it.  I plan on visiting some good fabric or prim stores while I'm there.  If you know of any please give me a holler. :-)  The Gleaner Antique store is on my list already. lol.


  1. Looking good Mary. That bowl is fabulous!

  2. Beautiful displays!!!
    Love the bowl you got ~ such a wonderful find!
    Have fun in Ohio ~ hope you find some wonderful treasures!
    Prim Blessings

  3. You know, I've been following your blog and what's been happening with you in your life, your creativity, and so many posts for the past several years. You've come a long way, girl and what a blessing it is to see you move on to the next thing. You've shown great strength and have been, maybe a surprise to you, an encouragement to me. Prayers for you for your goals of a house and moving forward.
    Take care,

  4. Hi Mary,
    Those displays look great! Great job.
    Have a great day, and stop over soon for a visit!

  5. Hey Mary, glad to see you are doing well. Things always look the darkest before the dawn so hoping all you see is sunrises from now on.

  6. Great looking displays and your bowl is fabulous!!

  7. There is nothing like owning your own house and my Grandmother just paid off her house a few years ago and she's 80 and getting around better than me! Great that you have that weight lifted off of your shoulders - when the Husband and I were young we racked up quite a bit of debt and it was horrible recovering from it. I can relate to the stress that causes and am so happy for you that your moving on to a better place. :)


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.