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Monday, June 4, 2012

Booth Update

I'm at work as we speak and scheduled this post to post this morning.  We went to the booth and spruced up a bit.  I apologize for the grainy pictures, but I forgot my real camera and had to use my phone.


Stay tuned this week I have some new redo projects I'm working on :-)


  1. who wouldn't want to shop in your booth....goodness I see so many things that would have a home with me if I lived near you.
    Very nice displays.

  2. Your booth looks wonderful.Alot of goodies tucked in.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  3. Oh my, I am drooling. If we get back to Ohio in the fall, I have got to find your booth. Such wonderful prim goodies. Have a great day at work and a great week.

  4. Love your booth!!!!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  5. The booth looks great. Your decorating inspires me so very much! :) I'm in NE Ohio, I will have to make the trip and visit your little booth one of these days!

  6. The booth looks wonderful!! Lots of great things everywhere!

  7. What a great booth..Wishing I was able to go there and shop..I see a few things I know I need to have..Have a great week..

  8. Hi,
    What a lovely booth you have. Wish Illinois wasn't so far I would be a great customer. lol. Thanks for all the great ideas you share, you are an inspiration. Hope all is going well for you guys. Please stop by and visit soon!

  9. A very attractive gathering and set up, looks great, and I wish you success~

  10. Wonderful booth! I wish you live. closer. Success. Hugs, Eve

  11. You could have taken those shots with a poloriad and they still would have been amazing. Your booth is breathtaking. If I had wandered by, I would have been in tears of shear joy. We never have booths like that around here. TFS yours. -Steph-

  12. Beautiful stuff! I wish I lived closer, I love the sign with the horse on it to the right of the hutch.

  13. Wow! Sure would love to visit your booth! I see lots of things I'd buy. It sure is looking good.

  14. Just came across your blog and saw the pictures of your booth. It looks beautiful I am from Ohio and would like to know where your booth is, I would certainly be interested in a road trip to check it out in person. Thanks, Denise


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