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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Recent Redo's

You might remember I told you I had decided to clean out the garage again.  I was getting tired of not being able to move around.  I still can't park in there, but I can move and sort better.  Yes, I was cleaning out again.  Most of the items I found I took to the booth this time.  I'm sure you could see by the pictures.  However, I can't take all the credit for my booth because my amazingly, talented, beautiful friends Michele, Rose, and Pam also put their amazing items in there too.  Thanks goodness because I think I'd get overwhelmed doing it all myself. 

Anyway, after cleaning up I came up with a huge redo pile.  This is despite getting rid of some other stuff that I know I won't redo because I don't have time and it just didn't strike me as to what I was going to do with it.  During my clean up my ADHD kicked in and I started redoing some things.  I guess I got bored cleaning and excited about redoing, so I stopped cleaning and started painting. lol

You remember this from my dry brush painting technique tutorial.


This shelf was from my country years...


After: Much better in black.  This is at the booth ready for a new owner.

I don't have a before picture, but it was a bright red pie cover.  Now it's in the process of a shoo fly screen. I still need a handle and maybe another coat or two of paint.

Remember this???? Yucky white...

After:  A warm brown though I think I'm going to add a little something more to make it look like a real brown wood.

I don't have a before but it was a galvanized metal that I repainted and re-electrified with Steve's guidance.  I'm debating whether or not to get a glass cover for it or leave it as is.

This was made out of pieces parts of metal.  I may repaint it to make it match, but I'm not sure. You can see the candle base is a different metal, but still I LOVE it.

Then finally I have coffee stained and framed some stitcheries so that I can finish patterns for them.   They will be available soon.

Well, I have a to do list a mile long so I better get busy. This is my weekend to work YUCK!  Hopefully I can work on my other stitchery some.  I want to get it finished up :-)  I will talk with you soon.


  1. Your stitcheries are beautiful and your re-dos as well..Happy work weekend..

  2. Wonderful make over's Mary. Looks like you have been super busy and with no break in site. I think the shelf looks so much better black. Good job. -Steph-

  3. I wish I had your energy! Everything looks super. Love the prim candle holder and your samplers too. Nice work!


  4. Nice makeovers! The samplers are wonderful.

  5. Everything looks great and I bet the shelf doesn't last long at the booth


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