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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Outside the Homestead... and a Finish

Yes, I finally got around to planting flowers over the Memorial Day weekend.  I know I'm a little late showing you, but I thought I'd share a little of the outside with you.  I'll take some better pictures once the flowers really start growing.  I'm not liking the window AC unit, but our central air unit doesn't keep the upstairs cool enough at night to sleep, so we had to buy it this year.

My bushes are unruly.  The landlord said he was coming to cut them back a few months ago. :/

I didn't plant any of the above flowers.  They come back every year since I moved in.

 I just LOVE purple.  It has always been my favorite color.

I finished my newest cross stitch " Life At Sea."  The actual stitching area is 11 1/4" by 6 1/4".  I don't have a frame as of now that will fit it so I'm still deciding how I'm going to finish it.  This actual piece will be for sale when I figure it out.  I will also work on getting the pattern together to sell along with 2 other patterns.  I'll let you know when they are ready.

There has been a question as to where you can find my booth for my friends in Ohio.  I would LOVE to email you, but I can't get your email address from your comments.  So, if you look in the right hand column there is a picture that says "Our Booth" I have the address written below so you can "look" us up.

I will be doing some crafting come Thursday as I have worked about 52 hours in the last 5 days and have another 24 hours to go tomorrow.  I'm taking a break from stitching and working on another quilt, but not before I get the mess I created in the basement cleaned up.  When I took the new piece to the booth I just sort of put stuff wherever there was an empty space.  My crafting table is covered in stuff.  So, now it's time to reorganize again.  uuuggghhh....


  1. Mary the flowers are beautiful ...and so is that stitchery envious of your talent ! Dont forget to rest up as well! hugs lil raggedy angie

  2. hi, Mary~ long days, long hrs~ ugh~
    but girl you manage to get so much done~ you amaze me~ the flowers look pretty in the boxes~ and love your cross stitch~
    enjoy your breaks~

  3. Such a friendly and inviting place. I love the window boxes! :-)

  4. You are always busy with you accomplish so much is amazing with the hours you put in at work.
    The cross stitch is really gorgeous.

  5. The cross stitch is gorgeous and so is your yard.

  6. What long hours to work!! It's amazing you still find time to stitch. Your sampler is looking so neat:) I think your flowers are pretty. How nice the just come back every year like that.

  7. Beautiful flower displays ~ love all the little touches you added!!!
    Your stitch'n is gorgeous!!!
    Prim Blessings

  8. Love the front porch!! Your stitchery is beautiful!!

  9. Thanks for responding in your post to my request of where you are located. Sorry you couldn't find my e-mail, it is I live near the Youngstown area but travel to Amish country frequently and will definitely look you up on my next trip through Orrville.


  10. Hello
    Outside the Homestead... and a Finish
    I adore this writing. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important.


Thanks so much for stopping by. I appreciate each and everyone of you. Please feel free to comment here or email me.