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Monday, July 9, 2012


I trust you all survived the heat wave and storms this past week.  We came away unscathed other than me complaining how hot it was.  It was even worse when I was at work in long pants, boots, and 2 short sleeved shirts.  uggghhh... The one day my partner and I went to Columbus and the thermometer said 100!!! It was like walking into a wall of heat.  Of course I don't have to tell most of you because you either experienced it or had worse. 

I've been so busy working that I haven't had much time to do anything.  OK anything but shop that is. lol.  Steve and I were going to go to a flea market in Hartville on Saturday, but it was too stinking hot!  So, we settled on IHOP for breakfast then a thrift store, indoor flea market, an antique store, and a prim shop.

 First stop was the thrift store.  This one was huge!!! This store was in in a smaller store, but moved to this HUGE store a couple months ago.  It was air conditioned so I took my time searching high and low.  It is a good thing I did because I found this brown crock beauty for $.80!!!!! Yes you are reading it right.  The tag actually said $1.00.  I was willing to pay that but when the guy rang it up he said $.80!!!! 

I also got some Yankee Candle tealights pumpkin spice for FREE!!!! There were maybe 7 or eight of them in a box that said $2.25.  I took it up to pay for it and the guy looks at me and says "I've never seen candles go for $2.25." So he yells to the store manager and says how much are these? The manager says oh free today. Just give them to her.  WOOHOO!!!!!

Next we went this antique store I had never been too.  Every time I've driven by it was either closed or I was in my work truck and couldn't stop.  It was not air conditioned and man was it hot!  However, my keen sense of picking kicked in and took over.  There was a deal to be found here.  Sure enough on the second floor before I almost passed out from the heat there they were...

 I got all 4 jugs for $55!!!!! Seriously!!!! I just need to clean them out today.  There are some cob webs and dirt, but heck I'll scrub them all day for this price.  I have no idea where they are going to go, but you know me I'll find a place.  I really like the the second one from the left because it is actually a lighter brown and is more rounded at the the top.

The flea market was not air conditioned so let me say I have never walked so quickly through there.  Ughhhh... it was HOT!!! Needless to say I came out empty handed. I also found nothing at the prim shop I went to.  OK I found stuff, but nothing I couldn't live without.  However, I did see a good idea where someone took mint leaves and dried them broke them up a little and was selling them in bags for potpourri.  They smelled awesome!!!!

I also got some new stitching books :-)  Two of them are from Amazon, which I've never used before.  The other one in the lower right corner is the one I have been searching high and low for.  I finally won it on Ebay.  But now I have to tell you a secret.  I actually have 2 of these books now.   The reason being is I wasn't sure I would win the book on Ebay, so I finally found another one someone had for sale on their website and bought it before the auction was over. For some reason, probably because it is out of print, this book is very hard to find.  That being said I have one for sale! lol  It is chocked full of of beautiful motifs and things for stitching.  The Historic Sampler book has charts recreating old stitcheries as well as explanations on each chart where and why it was done in the fashion it was.  The book on top is also a Brenda Keyes book and she has recreation charts as well as her own charts in it.  I bought it mainly for her motifs to use in my patterns.

Today is my only day off until Thursday.  It started by my son, who I haven't seen since last Tuesday as he was at his Dad's, bouncing on the bed and crawling under the covers next to me.  (Sigh) this will soon come to an end as he will be 13 in a few weeks.  I will so miss these days. Now I just need to finish my coffee, get my massage, and maybe move some furniture around today.  I'm ready for a change plus I need to find a home for my new finds :-)


  1. Great goodies you discovered this weekend! Enjoy

  2. Those are some great deals! Lucky you!!

  3. Not only did you find tucked away treasures but then you were surprised with wonderful prices. How fun. I'd probably have walked through in the heat as well, I think excitement kicks in and nothing else seems to matter ;)

  4. What awesome finds..Those prices are crazy..Have a great week..And do enjoy your kids they grow up so fast..Mine are 34 and 30..Where has the time gone..It's nuts..

  5. Wonderful finds! Only thing good about this heat is that we may sweat off a few pounds! Love the stitchery books.

  6. Wow...wonderful finds and deals, Mary! I would be one happy gal with a day like that!

    We've had alot of heat here too. We did get a little rain but it's steaming back up again. I will gladly welcome fall! :)



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