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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Redecorating the Homestead

I know it's been awhile, but I think you'll be glad you waited for this post.  I decided I wanted to move things around a little and Steve had the time to help me. I have bought nothing new for this rearranging.  This is all stuff I've had.  P.S. I've added new items for sale on my Facebook page for those who are friends with me.... I think all of you should be able to view this on the words view this... if not I will list them on my selling blog.  I finally have a "fireplace." 

OK so here you go... photo heavy :-)

 Dining Room

 I'm working on a few fall items as well.  Hopefully I can get them stitched and coffee stained this week. 


  1. It looks so great! Love all your prim decor!

  2. Mary I love how you grouped everything! It looks so cozy!
    Have a wonderful week...I can't believe July is almost over.

  3. Love everything, Mary! You and Steve did a great job redecorating!

  4. Hi Mary,
    Everything looks lovely. You are so lucky to have a guy like Steve who is into the type of decorating you are as well as all of those thrift excursions!

  5. Looks awesome!!! Like a magazine!!!

  6. Awesome!!! You did a wonderful job!!!
    Prim Blessings

  7. Everything looks great Mary. I see your quilt on the back of your couch. It looks really nice there. You have a lot of really neat things to look at. Wishing you a great day. -Steph-


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