My Pages

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Close Ups

Well, we have been very crazy at work.  I am working over time and not taking a lunch just to keep my head above water.  I worked 10 hours today with no end in sight.  We will not be shutting down since I work in the food production business.  So, needless to say I haven't had time to do much crafting except for making a few more strawberries. I have been looking for that certain gold wool that would make great pineapples for applique.  In my mind I know what I want, but I just can't find it.  I will know it when I see it.  The search is on!

That being said let's take a break from reality and look at some primitives.  Why? Because they make me happy when I walk in the house after work every day.  Ok. That and my doggy Oreo. LOL.

Have you been doing any Etsy shopping lately?  I just sold a Santa yesterday.  I'm thinking I need to load up my shop in case people are bored and ready to shop! LOL

Until next time... Safe healthy and safe.


  1. Take care of yourself, you “food” people are doing a great job !

  2. Such beautiful, serene, and comforting photos. Perhaps we will see a return to blogging and more connections of substance in the wake of this all. I hope so...because I don't like what I am seeing out there at all. Thanks for your service...It's getting crazy and you and your co-workers are and will continue to be indispensable..... Robin


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